Heritage? Nah, just hate.

There’s an extra number typo that showed up in my last post – no idea how it got there.

I didn’t say this. Please read my posts carefully before replying.

I have, multiple times, criticized posters who used misogynistic language. Most recently, by my memory, it was someone complaining about dating and calling women “harpies” and “hosebeasts” (or something like that), and I called them out and criticized them.

Oh aren’t you the witty one. What’s the join date dur dur dur. Bet no one will see that one coming.

Holy fuck!!

I’ve discovered that I now want to dance the edges of banning.

I will not troll (defined as promoting or advocating something that I do not believe)
I will not break the rules - even if the overrated and adored by calcified fossils proto-boyband the Bleatles come
I’m going to see how long I can skirt until I get bounced.


Because I’m more than fucking tired of you slobber-monkeys and I want to be rid of you until such time as I move to a new ISP and address and then I’ll come back as anew and utterly neo-left type person that will fit right in.

Fight ignorance? Only if ignorance means unorthodoxy? What’s orthodoxy you ask? Why orthodoxy is my doxy heterodoxy is someone else’s doxy. That means that heterodoxy is evil… is that cisphobic? Wait, am I cisphobic? Aaaaaarghhhhh I’m afraid of myself.

What to do now? Well if I’m cisphobic I must become a trans…missionophile.

I love cars man, manifolds and spoilers (especially Game of Thrones - hey, there are 5 fucking books, if you’re to lazy, blind or illiterate to rewad them then fuck you up the ass with G.R.R.TolkCraft or did I mean JRRHeinSon.

Now some of you are going to claim I’m flaming out - but I’m not “that sort of faggot” That’s a quote from Burroughs he preferred queer because "queens gave [him] the fear. That’s another quote. He even named a book about it Nova Express. Stealing Don and all of that.

Must remember punctuation. Al,wa$y!s otherwise the peedants get restless and you that when that happens little boys get fuuuuuuuun because there are popsicles. You know where they go right, nice and pre-lubed straight into the mouth like all good boys like their…popsicles especially when the popsicle come from a loving father.

Is that too catholic? Dislike the universal huh? The let’s stick (get it … popsicle / stick) with the parochial.

I am, for now done. Words mean…nothing…actions mean ideology…ideology means orthodontist.

Naw, that’s someone else’s ontist. I prefer my own. Both of my spirits insist upon one
ontist unless the other has extra special… ists

I end this missedive with

Paul McCartney never did a damned thing wrong - except joining up with Ringo Lennon. Good thing that Jackson pedalphile never got into that. You didn’t know that Michael liked bikes? He sure diddled.

I hope you get better soon, Zeke.

Cocaine. It’s a helluva drug.

Not my forum, but I fixed it for you.

Much appreciated – thank you!

No worries. Please continue making an utter ass of yourself. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’m just fine motherflubber - tanks (I know you yanks love 'em) for the concern

And to whatever nippletwit suggested it was coke… I’m too fucking old, too fucking tense and too fucking poor for that. Nice try though

Butts see, bafflegab and hinkydink horseshit rules the day now. The Master is off baiting his hook for more succulent mouths to feeeeeeeed.

Is there an echo in here? No? Fuck, y’all didn’t look like ducks last decade from now.

Show your work, nah you’ll do formicca, I’ll tale it for granite.

Did you know that thisboard makes Nazis capital by rote? Chamberlin agrees but chamber pots say noooppppppffffftttt

Reading comprehension:

  1. My first post had nothing to do with you or your arguments. It was merely a series of random thoughts to do with this subject.

  2. My 2nd post… well, are you sure you’re OK?

The only part of this I understand is “show your work” – I did show my work, a few posts ago. It’s still there if you want to see it.

(Paraphrasing Vinyl Turnip…)

…and thus, Zeke severed his last remaining whispy tether to reality.

I hope he floats somewhere nice.


I’m not sure what you’re trying to do in this post. Maybe you should take a break from the boards for a few days and come back with a fresh set of eyes.

Whatever this is, it’s doing nothing to help your credibility.

I don’t think by any stretch you are sympathizing with Nazis, but I have to give a giant WTF to even going down this ‘‘the Holocaust is so much worse than slavery’’ path in the first place. The Holocaust may have been more catastrophic in scale, but as far as individual experiences go I don’t think slaves fared much better. Regardless, it seems like a bit of pendantry intended to throw the conversation off course. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Deriding Americans for focusing on the events of our * own fucking country* is ridiculous. Yes, we talk about the special badness of American slavery because we live here and we live with the consequences, and the consequences are still claiming the lives of Americans and we still live with this apparently unreconcilable chasm between the north and the south. Heaven forfend we actually focus on our own fucking history.

Also, you need to let go of that ridiculous ATMB thread. It’s also undermining your credibility.

It’s like he had a stroke and typed it out. Castle of…

I deny that you reported this.

James Joyce you ain’t.

I wonder if **Zeke **reacted to the deplorable antisocial news networks [del]reporting[/del] revolting at the sight of cities and states that are removing the statues, even before the current deplorable acts.


Meth, huh. Ewwwww.