Heron in a tree

Great Blue Heron, I presume; since that’s what they say lives up this way.

We were sitting on the patio, and I saw the bird fly over. We heard something in a tree, and I assumed it was a crow or a squirrel or something. The heron’s flight path wasn’t going that way. The SO pointed it out to me (there was another tree in my eye-line). There it was, about 40 or 50 feet up a cedar.

I didn’t know that herons ever hung out in trees.

Sorry about the poor quality of the picture. I only have a little Nikon CoolPix that’s about five years old. I had to crop and enlarge.

I’ve seen them perch in such a manner. Still a thrill to get one up close like that.

We’ve had them in a tree in our yard before. Took a while to figure out what it was the first time.

Amazingly enough, they nest in trees.

You know, now that you linked it, I do recall seeing wading birds nesting in trees in various documentaries. I didn’t make the connection to local wading birds though. :smack:

In any case, it’s the first time I’ve seen one in a tree IRL.

Here in Topeka there is a small colony of yellow-crested night herons. They are at the northern end of their range, we in the Audobon Society were surprised when they established themselves. They are the biggest birds I’ve ever seen, with my own eyes, nesting in trees.

One woman who lives close by them hated them the first year, and I presume still does. Her goldfish pond in the back yard was like ringing a dinner bell. “They ate my $50 koi!”

Honestly, I read the title as Heroin.

So did I. I thought maybe it’s for the squirrells? But that can’t be right, squirrells would be crackheads, surely.

Honestly, I read the title as Hero! I thought maybe it was about a tree climbing firefighter or some such.

The Wells Fargo across the street from my office has a little Koi pond with some huge fish. I remember watching a big white heron wading in it one day and wondering if it could even eat those huge fish.

Every once in a while, I’ll see a heron walking on a parked car downtown. They would make quite a stylish hood ornament.

Birds are my heroin (and my heroine…).

There’s a colony of them that nest in the big trees a block from Lake Washington. They come back to the same nests every year. Their children too. Each year there are more and more nests. The trees are cottonwoods, and they nest before the leaves come on.

I’ve seen green herons and night herons in trees. I often see a great blue heron, but I’ve never seen it in a tree.

Hair-wing? Hair-wick?

Sorry, whenever I see “heron” from now on, I’m reminded of this

In Stone Mountain Lake, there’s an island. Boids only. Attempt No Landings There.

While canoeing the other day, this guyswooped right by me and up to the top of the tallest Pine tree on the left in the picture. 40 feet or so.

As the waters are shallow around the islands, fishies are easy to see. Perhaps it’s a spotting technique.

I was going to suggest the exact same tree! They do look freaky in it before the leaves come out as it is just a bunch of giant birds in a tree.