Hey Bluesman, a question for you

This thread’s about Iraq.

I am saying that the economic stability of the Western world would be a legitimate and very powerful target if I were in charge of those who wish “us” (non-Ultra-militant Muslim extremists) harm. The Western economy could be attacked through coordinated physical attacks, germ warfare, dirty bombs, chemical attcks, cyber-attacks, or various other nefarious means. A simultaneous hit to NYSE, Nikkei, FTSE, and Hang Seng operations could certainly affect whether or not you could buy food in a month.

Organizations like the NSA work to uncover plans to do things such as this. I didn’t say they stopped this particular plan, I’m saying that this would be a legitimate target to some groups.

The lessons learned from the WTC collapse go beyond those killed and wounded.

You know, what I’m reading here makes me very, very sad. Especially this -

That about makes me cry.

My son, who will be 13 in less than two weeks, can not wait until he’s old enough and able to join the armed forces. He is proud of this country, and he wants to defend the rights we all are able to enjoy because of men and women who fight for it.

Lucretia and MsRobyn, a thank you from me to you and yours for all you’re doing to help us all. Spooje, nothing personal, but shut the fuck up.

That people disagree with the Iraq war?

And what US rights were being defended in Iraq?

I suppose I should explain myself somewhat.

I think that the military action taken both in Afghanistan and in Iraq (and possibly Syria and North Korea) was a knee-jerk reaction, and unnecessary. I don’t dispute that something should’ve been done, I’m just questioning the means that were used to accomplish those goals.

That being said, I did send my husband off as part of that military effort. He is one of those people sent to an unpleasant part of the world (ask him about the camel spider when he gets back) to do an unpleasant job. Yeah, he volunteered. That doesn’t change the fact that it still sucks.

The long and short of it is that I take a proprietary interest in stuff like this. For me, it’s not about debate fodder or long, theoretical discussions about the ethics and morality of war. It’s about real people going to do a real job; good, bad or indifferent. I don’t speak for Lucretia, and I don’t claim to know what she’s feeling, but I’m sure it’s probably similar if not more so, since she’s about to put on the same uniform.

Oh, and spooje: Fuck you. Blame the men in suits in charge, not the people who do the work.


Fuck you right back. I did not blame anyone in the armed forces. Read more carefully.

Could anyone tell me just why people keep mentioning the WTC in a discussion about Bluesman’s boasts about the certainty of finding WMDs in Iraq?

when is Dave back? Tell him I said hello.

Yes - it’s called the Willie Clancy Festival in honour of the great west Clare piper of the same name. It’s usually on in the second week of July. There’s a traditional music summer school but it’s the accompanying orgy of drinking and music most people are interested in. Do a google search on “Willie Clancy” and you’ll get all the details. It’s been years since I was there but I’ll be in North Kerry around that time so I might take a trip over on the ferry.

You also have the added bonus of only having to go down the road from Milton Malbay to drop into Shannon Airport to thank you’re self-appointed protectors on their way home.

Why should spooje shut the fuck up? Just because someone doesn’t support this war doesn’t make his/her opinion any less valid nor does it make the holder of such an opinion unpatriotic.

I don’t understand how the U.S. can speak for an neutral country.

I meant “your”, in case the grammar police are about.

Sorry mate, too late: your nicked.

You’re sad because spooje is glad casualties were relatively low? Nice.

Same goes for you. Just because he doesn’t agree with the attack on Iraq doesn’t mean he wants to see people like Bluesman or Doors dead.

Nope…can’t enlighten you there one iota Gary.

Oh, and BTW, you can’t hassle Bluesman at the present time, 'cos he isn’t here on the boards. Perhaps it would be better to save your questions about his previous assertions for a later date.

Otherwise you’ll incur the wrath of Lucretia and MsRobyn and others who feel that your questions are a condemnation of their partners involvement in the conflict.

Fer frig’s sake…nobody is hassling you, Lucretia, or Robin about your family involvement in the war. May I speak for everyone here (??) and say that it is fantastic that things turned out as ‘well’ as they did, and that your hubbies will come home safe soon. But that does not deter from the fact that the original claim by Bluesman (which was backed up by AirmanDoors) that there were definitely WoMD in Iraq has not been borne out in fact.

OK. Extremist Miltant Muslim Terrorist (EMMT) organizations generally do not have the infrastructure to develop your traditional WMD. They must buy them. From whom, you may ask?

Iraq had a WMD program. No question. They certainly may have had one as recently as 6 months ago, as yet to be determined. Iraq (reportedly) had terrorist training camps. Iraq had been under economic sanctions for 12 years. Iraq has no love lost for the US. Iraq paid the families of EMMT Homicide Bombers. Iraq is a lot closer in geography and tenets than North Korea.

It is certainly within reason to suspect that a psycho dictator such as Saddam Hussein would sell WMDs to EMMT organizations, who would use them on the West. Massive victory to strike so deep into the black hearts of the infidels, and all that EMMT rhetoric.

No, I have no proof of this. I don’t have ANY security clearance anymore. I mentioned the WTC because that was a very effective attack. Terrorist organizations worldwide probably salivate at the thought of topping that one. Bio-weapons could very easily top it. Again, where do you shop for Bio-Weapons in their neighborhood? Too damn cold in North Korea (not to say they have them, I don’t know).

That’s one smoking gun I don’t want to see.

“Certainly MAY…as yet to be determined”? (My capitalisations, just in case anyone accuses me of misrepresenting Bill’s words)

In other words, we think they might have WMD, but we’re not sure, really.

Oh for goodness sakes…this is sounding curiouser and curioser as time goes on. :rolleyes:

My point being, because I do not have a security clearance means I know as much as you do, which is nothing concerning this issue. Bluesman is in a different boat, it is his job to know things we do not. Yes, we think. He may know.

Just to reiterate what kambuckta said two posts ago. These questions are not meant as a personal attack on anyone.

I also have a sibling who is very very highly ranked in a particular US government body. He won’t tell me diddly squat. I’m not even allowed to ask. Hell, I’m not even allowed to know where he is and when he’s going from place to place, much less be privvy to tip-top secrets about WMD. He’s also working in an undisclosed location (I know, but I won’t tell) that is being heavily publicized in the news, so I know what it is like to worry. Sorry if my questions came across in a way that sounded like I didn’t care if your loved ones were in danger.

My point was more general.

Vice-President Cheney is your brother?

One wonders if it is prudent national security strategy to post on a public message board regarding this issue. Certainly, it’s not something that his superiors would look kindly upon.

It’s possible he’ll never tell us what he suspects with regards to WMD, we’ll only find out when we find out. Until then, the proof is in the pudding.