Hey June, don't make it bad (but you will) [Mini-Rant]

I am accustomed to weirdness in the news, but this paragraph (in a story about a Chinese university lecturer stabbing the Communist Party official who was firing him) gets special honors:

“The murder came after protesters in the Hungarian capital took to the streets dressed as Winnie the Pooh – a satirical reference to CCP general secretary Xi Jinping – in protest over plans to open a branch of Fudan University in Budapest.”

Not quite as weird as watermelons being found on Mars, though.

And all this time we thought they were little green men.

I just have to post something because it’s my Dope anniversary and I’m happy about it.

288, 000 posts read later, I think this deserves a party! A virtual Mumpfest. Pets are welcome.

In fact, I think we should have a virtual party on every Mumper’s anniversary. That would give us quite a few parties every year and I think we need it.

Ok. At whose house? swampy’s with the cement pond? Who will organize the party games? nellie would be good at that, besides, she’s proven she can control a classroom full of high school kids and I plan to be at least that silly. Rowdy is optional. Maybe flyboy and doggio setting up the bar? Whatever they’re drinking always sounds worldly and sophisticated. shoe can organize the, um, other mind-altering substance for those on the wild side. Who wants to be the dj? I figure classic rock and roll-bet hippy would be good at that. mooomm could organize the potluck picnic-she’ll have an Excel spreadsheet up in minutes so we don’t have all desserts and no entrees. Plus, then everybody will be there on time, dammit! She’ll have it organized to a fare-thee-well across all time zones. Somebody has to put on the kettle at the right time so our friends across the pond can have their tea on time. dicey, can you and scaryfaerie make sure we have good chocolate? nuttie, can you round out the music for us? Plus identify any puzzling insects that show up?

Ok, who else wants to do what? Give motorcycle rides? Tell ghost stories? Face paint? Scrabble tournament? 5 card stud?

Sorry. Posted in the wrong place. Belongs in MPSIMS.

Happy Dopiversary!

What bugs me is when you buy something that weighs hardly anything, and it doesn’t recognize that you HAVE put it in the bagging area, and you have to hit the Ignore button.

Ok! So once we mosey over to mpsims will someone there direct us to your party? Or is that invite null and void now? :partying_face:

Yeah that too. Overall I prefer the self-checkouts, despite the silicon chip nag that’s programmed into it. Staffed lanes have their own quirks, like baggers that put the toilet cleaner in the same bag as the bread.

Sure! Just don’t bring one of those cornhole games. I hate even looking at those. And no Southern Comfort. Hate looking at it too. Some Wash U fraternity parties a girl can never forget, no matter how much she wants too. Just better to avoid any reminders. The frat boys can still come to the party, just not the Southern Comfort :smile:.

MMPers are a hospitable bunch. Just come on over. :slight_smile:

Worst. Rant. Ever. :nerd_face:

288 thousand posts? How much time do you spend here? And what did you do with all that time before you got hooked on Dope?

If it were me, I’d need a party… and an intervention.


Worked, read a book every two days, watched Netflix, grandma’ed from a 110 mile round trip away. Mostly worked and read. But then the plague hit and all the former dropped away.

An accidental traumatic brain injury drop kicked me into forced retirement. Can’t do full time professional work with a brain injury but it turns out you can Dope pretty near full time even with cognitive impairments. Maybe because of cognitive impairments, jury is still out on that. Sure made figuring out the switch to Discourse a bitch though. [Was that enough of a rant?]

Thanks! I agree, and it’s the most non judgmental and least snarky doper collective I’ve ever read too. ok my rant is this they are by far too $&@ sincere, supportive, interesting and funny looking. I should fit right in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


We are all gonna get into biiggg trouble for posting in The Pit and not being mean enough.




… Happy Cake Day!

That’s more like it!

Knowing that I can’t have fresh flowers for a few years, I thought that a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen island would add color to the room. Not only does it look pretty, it encourages us to wander by and grab a few grapes or peel a tangerine or something.

Today I found 6 grapes in our Very Good Kitty’s bed. Very Good Kitty hasn’t been caught on the counters/island for over 10 years, so I was shocked and dismayed at my discovery as well as worried because grapes are toxic to cats too.

I moved the bowl to the counter by the fridge, fully intending to relocate the fruit and grabbed VGK’s bed to shake out in the yard. While I was doing that, I noticed that the grapes weren’t chewed on, they were just carried. Hmmmm.

Hubs caught Very BAD Kitty on the counter helping herself to another grape. We both think that VBK was just trying to get VGK in trouble because she was bored. She’s such a bitch, she better not bad influence George when he comes home! Cats are assholes, and she is Princess Asshole, the bitch.

Your mother was an elderberry and your father smelt of hamsters!

Connor Cat* grabbed a cherry out of my fruit bowl and carried it downstairs. I think he was going after a fruit fly and then discovered that cherries roll and are fun to bat around. I finished the cherries and replaced them with nectarines. Considering how strong that cat is, it’s only a matter of time before I find him knocking one of those down the steps.

*He who dragged the water bowl before I replaced it with a fountain.