We’ve laughed off those “Giant Squid Scenarios” in Great Debates for the last time, I think. They finally came back to claim their stuff. Luckily for us, they forgot that they can’t breathe up here.
[Admiral Ackbar]
It’s a trap!
[/Admiral Ackbar]
Hey Phil - I beat ya to it!!
Okay, what the hell is going on here??? We have giant squid washing ashore on the west coast and here on the east coast we have 50 beached pilot whales. Is all marinelife suddenly abandoning the ocean???
It’s another phase in evolution. The creatures leaving the sea to walk on land.
*Many Miles Away There’s A Shadow On A Door
Of A Cottage By The Shore
Of A Dark Scottish Lake *
Are those the ones that nobody’s ever seen alive? I note the caption calls them “jumbo” squid. Is it like shrimp where they come in medium, large, jumbo, and giant?
Well, at least “jumbo squid” isn’t an oxymoron.
[sub]Or an OxyMoron, either.[/sub]
No, Scylla, they aren’t. The ones washing ashore are a few feet long. The really huge ones that no one sees alive are easily ten times that size and longer.
The sea-life is committing mass-suicide to get humans to realize they are poisoning the ocean.
They may be intelligent life, but they are not very smart.
Surely, this sudden mad rush of sea creatures onto our nation’s beaches has nothing to do with the navy’s brand spanking new super-powerful ear-pulverizing sonar?
Check their eardrums, is all I’m sayin’.
Do squid even have ears?