Hey! Look! Me!

Anybody miss me?
Er… Anybody remember me?

My self-imposed absence from the Dope (14 months, give or take) is over, and I am here to entertain and/or annoy you all again.

Brief update on What’s Been Going On in RNATB-land:
Still running the sunglass store, been dating the sometime love of my life for a year or so; I just got sponsored by a brokerage firm so I’ll be taking the Series 7, series 66, and Florida Life and Health Insurance (2/15) exams in the next three months.

Now, who wants a hug?

I remember you!

I don’t normally do this sort of thing, but… looks around furtively


If you tell anyone about that, I’ll have to kill you, though.

Well, one out of… however many people have signed up by now ain’t bad.


There’s been so many really not bright people 'round these parts lately, that I’m afraid your moniker sort of got washed up with theirs.

Good to see you back though. Would’ya like a beer then? VB or Carlton…down here, we don’t do those pussy beers. :stuck_out_tongue:

::runs nekkid through thread::

Wow…it’s really been 14 months? Huh…time flies. Well, welcome back!
And don’t believe any of the stories anyone tries to pawn off on you.

I remember you. Do you remember me? How 'bout that twenty bucks you owe me? Do you remember that?

And, ah, welcome back. :wink:

While you were gone, I gave serious thought to changing my name to Not All That Bright, Really… but, since you’re back, I’ll hold off on that to avoid any confusion. :smiley:

And while some things DO change… (nice to meet you, Boney )… it seems some things never do.

*hands bathrobe to punha *

Thanks Hal and Winston , and I’ll take a Carlton, kambuckta

Hey, I remember you. You’re a Queensryche fan, right?

There’s not too many of us.

Heh…Nikki’s yelling on Mindcrime was the first thing I thought of when I read the thread title.

You’ve done it now…I just had to go out to my car to fetch Op:MC. My poor co-workers.

Hey, you’re good.

Promised Land was the first CD I ever bought.

Oh, and I’ll be at the House of Blues in Orlando for their shows on August 24th and 25th.

I remember you! Just saw a post of yours in another thread and thought to myself that I hadn’t seen your name in a while.

Welcome back!

Oh. Your. GOD. It’s that guy from the mall in Orlando. How could I forget you?

Welcome back! Surely, you’ve been lurking?

Oh my, you’re young. I got to see them in '91 I think, for ‘Empire’ (they also did Livecrime in that concert), before Geoff Tate cut his hair and had an extra 75 pounds installed on his midsection. He was soooo sexy, mercy me. Only band poster I ever had on my walls. (I put it up over where my Ricky Schroeder pics were once he got teen-aged and kinda homely.)
Tell us mall stories, please??

Hey Gemma, Bambi

Yeah, I’m 23. And no, haven’t even lurked.