Hey PA, NYC and Baltimore peeps: The Great GeoBill Roadtrip

UncleBill and I are making plans to swing northward for a couple of days while we’re up visiting the old homestead in VA.

I’ve already been in touch with Zappo about getting together with him for dinner on Sunday 12/21. We’re open to doing it either in Harrisburg or closer to Philly, depending on interest and availability of folks out that way. We will probably stay overnight at Fabulous Castell Zappo.

Then we will head up to NYC on Monday 12/22 and want to get together with whoever’s available that day. We plan on doing touristy stuff in the afternoon, probably meeting up with SueDuhnym for lunch (anyone else?), and dinner somewhere in the evening.

NYC folks, my questions:
-Is traffic/parking in the city likely to be better or worse Christmas week than usual? Should we try to drive in, or park somewhere outside the city and train in? If outside, where? I’m guessing we’d be coming in from H’burg way on I-78.
-Where do we want to meet for dinner? We’d be interested in something relatively inexpensive and wheelchair accessible, as I believe Cosmopolitan will be joining us.

We’ll be heading back south on Tuesday morning 12/23 and if anyone Balto way would like to meet up for lunch, that would be dandy.

Definite for dinner Sunday night is Zappo, natch, and Jadis is a maybe. Others?

NYCers for dinner: Cosmo, tkeana, Alphagene, OxyMoron, Billdo, manhattan, and maybe Canby with possible guest appearances by lisabethnyc and SueDuhnym. Who else? You know you wanna come.

Dave’s appointment book is currently in the air on its way back to Baltimore, with him in tow. We will let you know about lunch on Tuesday as soon as we can.

I’ll be a tenative for the NYC dinner.

If I have my Christmas shopping done and I still have money in the bank.

I would love to come, but a Monday is probably too hard for us to make. Dunno. I’ll bring it up with the missus today.

As you already know, I’ll be in Baltimore visiting my family during that time. I’m not sure of any definitive plans they already have set up for us, but I’m sure I can probably make it to lunch on that Tuesday.

That’s it, I’m not going then. That Anamorphic dude is bad news…Oh, wait. We like that type. Never mind.

Dave’s appointment book is currently open. If he’s got appointments, I’ll still be game, but subject to public transit or the kindness of Dopers.

Ok, we are now officially a “definite maybe.”

Include us in for Sunday dinner! We wouldn’t miss this for the world!


Excellent! MsRobyn, will you be bringing Baby Doors? I’ve asked Sal to pick out a family-friendly place just in case.

Gorgon Heap, check your email.

We most likely will be.

See you Sunday!


Sunday dinner has been set for 7 pm at Applebee’s in Harrisburg (map). Lemme know if anyone has problems wit dat.

NYC folks, I’m still waiting for manhattan and Billdo to figure out where that Chinese place is they want to go to. How about time? Does 7 work for y’all, or is another time better?

7 will give us plenty of time to get down there and find it, assuming we have some directions, that is. (HINT!)

As soon as I know, you’ll know.

Oh, and I meant to include with my earlier post: I still need suggestions on safe yet inexpensive parking. Outside the city (to the west or south) is fine.

Update on the parking thing: I had the idea to park at the Newark airport and take NJ Transit into the city. It looks like there’s a station right at the airport so we can hop a train right into the city. The airport is convenient to both highways we will be coming and going on. Anyone have any feedback on this idea?

Just popping in to say, in case I didn’t make it crystal before, that I will indeed be at dinner at 7:00 PM on Monday, Dec. 22nd.


I searched for the Chinese restaurant; does Grand Sichuan ring a bell with anyone?

I forgot to mention - if it IS Grand Sichuan, it’s on 9th Ave. at 24th St.

It is, in fact, Grand Sichuan at the address I posted. Go me & my mad searching skills.

Go Cosmo! Just for that I will let you fondle my husband’s behind.

Official Agenda:
Sunday 12/21 - 7 PM Dinner at Applebee’s in Harrisburg, Pennsyltucky; map linked above.

Monday 12/22 - 7 PM Dinner at Grand Sichuan, 9th Ave. at 24th St. in the great city of New York, New York.

Tuesday 12/23 - noonish Lunch with one or more of the Baltimorons at a location yet to be determined but preferably close to I-95.