Hey! Persephone's Naked!

Just now notices that Scylla was naked and she missed it---- again.

Damn. Now I’ll just have to placate myself with fantasies of The Magnifican Monster nekked, buck neekid.

Mmmmmm-yummy hairy monster Mmmmmmmmm.

Ooooh Scylla you are so naughty :wink:

dantheman’s Rule of the Five Fingers:

Naked women rule. Naked men… not so good.


Persephone’s Rule Of The Five Fingers:

Naked men rule. Naked women…probably do too. :smiley:

Hey Scylla… how YOU doin’? :smiley:

No, no… It’s

“How are YOU doing? I’m sitting here, drinking my imported beverage…”

Hey, bucko! When I need a man to tell me how to flirt, I’ll rattle your cage! :wink:

OOOoooooooooooo rattle me, rattle me!

Nothing wrong with a domme, I always say!

[sub] 'cept for that subservience thing… :slight_smile: [/sub]

Allright, finally somebody starts flirting with me, and all of a sudden dantheman comes up and poaches my flirt. It was my only one.

You cad.

Hey, Scylla, I told him to back off! :smiley:

So once again, how YOU doin’? :wink:

Well, I’m back from the petting zoo with my daughter (It being daddy daughter day.)

There was this sign saying “Do not feed the camel.” Not five feet away from the sign was one of those dispensers. The kind you put a quarter in and twist so that you get a handful of grain and pellet type animal feed.

I sensed a trap, and stayed away. Let somebody else lose a hand to the vicious animal.

We did the pony ride, the merry go round twice, fed an emu, looked at an elephant and a toucan, and then got in the sheep pen, and got mobbed by a dozen of the creatures who figured we must have some of that feed stuff in our pockets.

“Baaaa. Is that a pellet in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

After that we went to Outback Steakhouse. I had a bloomin’ onion and a sirloin with fries. My daughter had the Macoroo and cheese.

We smelled like sheep, the onion gave me gas, and my daughter had fun throwing cheese covered macaroni all over the place, and standing up in her seat shouting “Ahhhguuuhbaaah!” at the top of her voice.

We got great service.

My wife’s still playing a tennis tournament, and I’m with the baby.

I’m not naked because the last time I took a bath with her, she got really interested in my dingus, and kept trying to grab it (16 mos. old.) Kind of disquieting.
How you doing?

[Looks below his own name… hmm, under 400…]

[Looks further… hmm, December 2000…]

[Looks at Scylla’s count. And his reg. date.]

[Realizes Persephone really digs BIG post counts!]

[Slinks away, eyes downcast, back arched, shoulders crooked, and feet shuffling to the beat of “Somebody Stole My Girl.”]