Hey, UncleBeer, You're Laughable

I, for one, am horribly offended. Here we have two mods being pitted (DavidB is the other one), and *neither one is * banhattan!

where’s the justice, I say!

Oh please don’t drag me into this. I made it clear that I did not ask my question out of “distaste” but out of curiosity.

I had “moved on” and wouldn’t have gone back into it at all had that thread not been linked into this one.

That being said, while the OP overstates the case I do agree with those who are calling out UncleBeer. He was wrong with the personal insult. But at the same time, seeing as how there’s a personally insulting “putz” smiley that can be placed in any post in any forum, I’m really not all that terribly concerned by Unc’s technical foul.

Oh please don’t drag me into this. I made it clear that I did not ask my question out of “distaste” but out of curiosity.

I had “moved on” and wouldn’t have gone back into it at all had that thread not been linked into this one.

That being said, while the OP overstates the case I do agree with those who are calling out UncleBeer. He was wrong with the personal insult. But at the same time, seeing as how there’s a personally insulting “putz” smiley that can be placed in any post in any forum, I’m really not all that terribly concerned by Unc’s technical foul.

Right. That does it. I’m going to GQ to open “Pics of the SDMB staff fucking burn victims”…

…just so I can watch as some idiot bitches about the subsequent banning and “abuse of power”.

Kin I dress the burn victims up in French Maid uniforms first?

Well, what the hell. It’s not as though THEY’RE going to stop me.

No, no, Ike! All that crenoline irritates the burned skin. Don’t they teach you anything at Moderator’s School? :wally

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. French toast.

That’s just wrong.

I apologize for mentioning you Otto, I just wanted to make it clear when I mentioned that UB found the thread distasteful, so did others…just in case someone wanted to jump in and say “HE wasn’t the ONLY ONE”

And, frankly, you’re a good example of someone who had to explain themselves as a poster and was unable to hide behind the moderator hat.


Boo fuckin’ Hoo…

You still are misunderstanding me. I found the poster immature—and said so; I have said nothing about the contents or topic of the thread. If I had found the thread itself distasteful, I’d have closed the damned thing.

This is at least the third time I’ve posted words to this effect.

Pretty much, that’s it.

And that’s the rub…

As Shayna has pointed out quite clearly it is the fact that you insulted a poster, rather than his post, AND THEN put on your moderator hat when called on the carpet about it is what is pissing people off.

This is the reason why there are frequent threads about whether or not mods should be allowed to post; it is nearly impossible for other posters to tell what is said as moderator and what is said as poster, and it is also obviously tempting for a poster to switch to moderator voice when cornered.

Whether or not other people get away with the same original offense as UB was accused of is immaterial, it is still against the rules.

Also, people need to grow up and stop defending this simply because the OP is an idiot troll. Using status as a moderator to excuse poor behavior should not be tolerated on this board or it will wither and die as trust is lost between moderators and posters. That is a poison far stronger than the occasional troll…

So when people don’t agree with you they need to “grow up”. Oh, the irony.


In your opinion. I’ve yet to see any evidence of a warning to, or chastisement of, a member from a moderator for simply calling someone immature.

I’ve been hearing that same argument since 1999. It should be apparent by now that it is false.

How about this?

Here is the relevant quote (posted by UncleBeer)

I think most people would agree that “ignorant jerk” is about on par with your response to rhinostlyee.

Besides, calling someone immature, then threatening to ban them if they complain violates the ONLY real rule the SDMB has: Don’t be a jerk.

Finally, I could list various other message boards that have collapsed under the weight of moderators pursuing personal vendettas and so forth. I’m not saying it WILL happen here, or that if it does you, UB will be the reason. I am only saying that it certainly has happened elsewhere and it CAN happen here.

Spare me the overblown melodrama.

And that thread you linked is a) in the goddamned pit, b) from before I was a moderator, and c) a really lame example. You’ll even note the object of my comments was the one who apologized. What you people are claiming exists is a warning from a moderator to a member in a forum outside the pit for an extremely mild insult.. You’ve yet to produce one and we’re all the way back to the turn of the century. My claim stands that no such thing exists.

I would also disagree, and you could probably have predicted this, that “ignorant jerk” is any where near the insult that “I think this shows something about your level of maturity, which I find sadly deficient,” is. You’re stretching it.

OK, UncleBeer, my bad about it being before you were a mod. The member info in the left hand pane is dynamic I suppose. I posted it in good faith with no intent to mislead.

To be honest, I couldn’t care less about the comment about the posters immaturity, and it makes no difference to me that a mod or anyone else would say that. What bothers me is that when the poster blew your comment off, you basically threatened to ban him if he did something similar again. That to me was an unwarranted crossing over from “poster” to “moderator” which is, I believe, the point of this thread.

Where did he “threaten to ban” the person? What sort of creative reading is required to arrive at that conclusion?

It has been some time since I’ve seen a more hysterical response to a non-issue than some of the reactions in this thread.

Hmm…let’s see…this is a thread containing:

  • People who have used and/or do use far worse insults than “immaturity”, and get away with it.

  • People who somehow think that UncleBeer is engorged with power and abusing it - like an Evil Calzone of Raw Moderator Hate. Or something.

  • People who imply that this somehow is the start down the slippery slope to the Death of the SDMB.

  • People who missed the whole “bolded/underlined Moderators notes” in the thread in question.

  • People who either can’t read, don’t care to read, or else honestly misunderstood the situation and should take a breath, and a step back. And remember that UncleBeer is here to serve - US, the community. NOT himself. And he does a goddamn fine job, too.

  • People who make accusations against UncleBeer, yet refuse categorically to back them up.

And the impression that one recieves as well is that the OP didn’t even care enough to return to discuss the issue, they just wanted to throw invective forth from the “safe haven” of the Pit. I don’t know if that’s true, as many times people get called away from the Board for real life issues, or maybe they need some time to think. But if they’ve been posting elsewhere during this time, then one has to wonder why they are not here.

In other words:

Well, Uncle, at least your “Pitted” ranking goes up by one more, at least. Like a service stripe on your sleeve, I guess… :wink:

Oooooh. Calzones. I’m gonna go have dinner now.

Don’t engorge yourself. There’s pie for dessert.