hi from london

Hi kids, I am in london on a working holiday visa (originally from canuckia). Am temping and still living at the hostel. Just popped in to say hihowareya.


Good, mate, and yourself?

Hey I’m alright. I’m quite literally the worst temp receptionist who ever lived but most people are fairly nice. London is cool, I’m really enjoying myself.

Hey up. How long are you staying in London for? Don’t be fooled by our decent weather though – it’ll be raining by Monday.

But she said London was cool , not warm.

Good point. So s/he realises what London weather’s really like. :slight_smile:

Mr Jim? She? Am I missing something? :slight_smile:

Mr Jim, if you think London is cool, just you wait until you get OUT of London… IMHO, London is the worst thing about England!

Sorry about the sex change . I am afraid it is the good old sexual stereotype regarding receptionists.

If you get bored of that then there’s always a bar job, they just love the ex-Colonies in London pubs. :wink:

Welcome to London, mate. And remember there is also life South of the River (honest).