I first realized something was wrong after a marathon session of debugging/twiqing a program. My forefinger was sore, and so I started noticing how I clicked on the various objects.
Now most people (I think) will point the cursor on the target, and when they have a clicking solution, they will authorize their finger to click. However that is not the way my body organization works. My clicking finger is a maverick, it clicks when it wants to (which is very often).
Instead of waiting until my mouse is on the target, my clicking finger will start clicking as soon as the cursor is with in an inch of the target, and before you can say “Easy there tex”, the mouse button has been clicked at least a dozen times.
This is a behaviour I need to change. Rapid Fire/Over eager/Premature clicking will cause both my mouse, and my finger to wear out. I do not think wear due to excessive clicking is covered by the warrenty for either my mouse or my finger.