High school reunion dating

As everyone knows, High School reunions are typically associated with the Homecoming football game, which suggests that they’re logically going to happen in the fall. My daughter graduated in June of 2014. Will her 10-year HS reunion be this fall, or was it last fall, which was ten years after her senior year Homecoming game?

This is all academic, as she’s not likely to attend one anyway.

I see your logic but they are typically in the same year. So this fall if it’s associated with the game.

None of my high school reunions were ever associated with the Homecoming football game. They are organized by whomever wants to take it on when they can get it and a location arranged.

This is my experiance. Where I went to school the county has always had a huge Fair every year at the same time, the week before school starts (in late August). So the powers that be (our class treasurer) decided that would be the time to have the reunion, becasue everyone seems to come back for the county fair anyway and kids are still out of school.

This is my impression too. Someone is planning a 35 year reunion in July for my high school, but it’s just a bunch of people at a bar. There is no Grosse Pointe Blank kind of dinner-dance at the high school.

There is a small group at work planning my high school’s 50 year reunion for 2025. They have tracked down about 150 of the 248 from our graduating class. The first piece of correspondence sent concerning the reunion is when to hold the event. Even though I doubt I will attend, I offered a suggestion when to hold the reunion. So far only 6 people have responded.

I’ve never heard of this. Is this for reunions which use the school premises? My reunions were held at other locations, and had no connection to the school calendar or building.

Okay, maybe I need to start a thread in FQ asking what the hell “Homecoming” is supposed to be all about. Also, the Homecoming dance was held at an outside venue.

In my experience, “Homecoming” was a school sponsored(?) event that was intended to draw alumni regardless of the year of graduation and was an annual thing. Reunions were typically for specific graduating classes, organized by someone affiliated with that class, held at venues not necessarily part of that particular institution, and only at certain intervals (5, 10, 20 years, etc.).

The 10th reunion of the Class of 2014 would, logically, be in 2024, so if it is associated with a homecoming game, it would be the upcoming one.

Personally, I never went to any HS reunions, in part because they were always run by some organization that has nothing to do with the school and wanted to charge me $100 or so for the privilege of attending.

Yeah. I wonder if it’s regional. I went to a private Catholic high school in Kansas City, and our reunions are organized by the alumni office, and are always scheduled around Homecoming weekend. There’s usually a football luncheon or something the week of if you’re into that sort of thing, a tailgate, the game itself, campus tours, and the reunions (for every 5-year increment) are held off-site (because with 10 individual groups to plan for, they can’t all be on-site).

I’ve never been to one but I recall that the senior class president is supposed to arrange them by tradition. I went to an urban high school with a class of over 600 people most of whom I never met. I graduated in 1982. The 92 and 02 ones were operated by a company that found all of the people and sold tickets to the event which was a catered dinner with a band and dancing on a Saturday and then a free park picnic the next day. I don’t think that the next couple even happened. I was invited into a Facebook group that had maybe 60 people in it for my class but I didn’t stay in after a day or so. They were trying to organize something or other. They were all scheduled for a summer weekend though, not homecoming.

Our high school reunions (back when they were organized) happened at various times of year. At least once it was around Thanksgiving when people could be expected back in town, and once it was in the spring. It never had a connection with the Homecoming football game.

I went to my 10th, just to see who had gotten fat/bald/divorced. Meh. I didn’t like those people when I was there. Why go back to see them?

Traditionally, the Class President ( or Designated Representative thereof) handled reunions. I think both of those people from my graduating year might be dead.

In recent years, my small high school has had an alumni banquet, generally the first weekend in June. Class reunions have thus been organized around this date. It’s worked out remarkably well, as the banquet is an occasion to see people from other classes, not just those with which you graduated.

So those who graduated in 2004 will have their ten-year reunion next month. It will be (gasp) 53 years for my class.

Note: this works great for a small school…my class had 62 in our graduating class, which was (and is) the second-largest class in school history. If you went to a large school, it wouldn’t be feasible.

I went to my 20th. It was held at a marina. A classmate introduced me to his friend, who didn’t graduate with us, but was living on a houseboat docked at the marina.

The guy’s name didn’t mean anything to me. He brought up the Pittsburgh Pirates, and I laughed and said, “with the lousy year they’re having and the crazy new owner, what’s there to talk about?”

A hush fell. My friend explained that Kevin McClatchy was the new owner. No more reunions.

Millennials, late for everything.

Duh! I meant 2014. Or was it a 20-year reunion?

I’m old.

My graduating class was 1000+. That was 50 years ago. They have since added 2 more high schools to town (after the football dynasty faded, of course.) We had to hold the 10 year reunion at the ballroom on the County Fairgrounds. It was the only venue big enough that had a kitchen.

Boy oh boy, did I ever misread the OP title. In a yeah, they are still really cute sort of way, and kicking myself for being so shy in HS.