Hikers - Any tips for dealing with annoying buzzing insects?

… in the countryside?
I googled this but everything seems to be geared towards avoiding getting bitten. So the tips given aren’t designed to stop the little bastards from just generally annoying the sh*t out of you. The latter is my problem. I don’t get bitten (or if I do it’s too inconsequential for me to notice) I just get the damn things orbiting my head, occasionally landing, and buzzing near my ears


Whenever I can find one I use a torn-off branch to waft the air around my head. This sort of works, but I end up with tired arms, not to mention looking a bit strange carrying a branch with me and waving it about in the air like a lunatic.

Is there some kind of repellent I can spray on my clothes (or even skin) that stops the insects from even going near me (but doesn’t smell bad. I don’t want to smell bad!)

Earplugs? :wink:

Interesting idea. We’ll get in touch if we want to pursue this. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

(Joking aside, it’s not just the sound, it’s their presence that annoys. And the occasional landing on my head/ear/face)

Don’t stop moving

How’s about one of these?

When I used to hike where that was a problem, I would spray a bit of Off™ onto a bandanna and then wear have that hang from under my hat to shade my neck (like a kepi). It seemed to work most of the time. YMMV

An upside down fern worn as a hat will keep the flies away from your head.

An Australian cork hat (although wikipedia states “In modern times the cork hat is virtually never seen and is little more than a novelty item”). Australian Candy & Food Store USA: Tim Tams, Vegemite, Violet Crumbles and Cherry Ripe