I think everybody and their dog has now heard of Hillary Clinton’s orders to collect detailed information on the private lives, encryption systems used by, and biometric data of top UN officials.
My question is this: can anybody speculate why the US would want to collect biometric data of UN officials? What will it be used for? I can’t think of any explanation as to why such data would be needed. Can anybody suggest one?
A related question: what kind of biometric data were solicited? What kind of biometric data, other than an estimate of height, a verbal description of their looks, and photographs from diplomatic functions would diplomats be able to supply of other diplomats? (Well I suppose they could also make them leave fingerprints on glasses).
WAG: Sometimes diplomats (other folks, not Americans, of course :dubious: ) do nefarious things while in a country. Being able to identify them through various means might be important.
The “sharing” of diplomatic privileges between individuals is not unheard of.