Hillary, I'm completely disgusted with you. Shut up and go away, PLEASE.

I cannot express how utterly disgusted I am with Hillary. How disappointed, irritated, annoyed and just generally OVER her I am.

She has set back the cause of female politicians another couple of decades, in my opinion. Because, in my female, feminist view, she has of late embodied the absolute worst sexist stereotypes of women you can imagine.

And way beyond, of course, she’s said and done things that go way beyond that simple stereotype and right into the worst politician stereotypes. Ugh.

Get the fuck outta my sight, you disgust me.

Care to be more specific?

Nonsense. However this election turns out, Clinton has demonstrated that a woman can be a serious candidate for president. That’s a giant step.

Maybe it’s her blatant use of sex to get votes that is bothering Stoid.

I thought Margaret Thatcher did that 30 years ago. And Indira Gandhi. And Golda Meir and …

Technically, they were all Prime Ministers. :slight_smile: You may add, “… of the United States,” at the end of my middle sentence if it please you.

If it’s blatant, you should have no problem providing three specific examples.

But it could be argued that she is only a serious candidate due to her husband.

Not that this poorly fleshed out thread mentions any of that. Stoid, care to add any reasons why you think Hillary has set back the womens movement, or anything she said or done that go beyond stereotype?

I suspect you’ve been whooshed.

Let’s see, off the top of my head.

She’s whined about how hard it is for a woman to campaign. And it’s just the primary! What will she be like during the actual election? Or in office?

She’s let her philandering husband come to her defense, as though he were a knight in shining armor and poor little wifey couldn’t do it herself and needed his help. (And in the process, he’s pissed off Obama and his supporters.)

She lied about ducking bullets on her visit to Bosnia.

She’s trying to seat the delegates in Florida that everyone, including her, already agreed wouldn’t be going to the convention.

Yes, she’s a serious candidate. She can manipulate and lie and cheat and steal votes as well as any serious candidate. (I have experience recognizing the voting part because I live in Chicago. That’s where the vote is so important to Democrats they even exercise it post-mortem.)

You’re all fucking insane. If a Republican did half of this, you’d be screaming. Of course, fortunately for us, the Obama folks are doing screaming (mostly behind the scenes, I’m sure).

And Obama’s no better. He’s been supporting his crazy, racist “uncle” (who’s only nominally a Christian but is more like Louis Farrakhan) for years. Obamessiah will stand in front of 7 (or more?) full-sized flags trying to distract us from “Reverend” Wright with some high-flown oratory, but he won’t wear a flag pin or hold his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.

I repeat: you are all fucking insane.

Goddamit, at least give us former Democrats SOME reason to return.

It looks to me like you’ve set back the prospects of a Democratic woman or black candidate for some time. You may have ceded the first woman or black Presidency to the Republicans.

Will any of you learn from this? Silly question.

Based on the poster in question, no, I really don’t think so.

Will she fuck me for my vote?

Ok, I’m desperate.

I’m pretty sure Bill would, but I’m not THAT desperate.

If that stuff genuinely bothers you, I think you may not be ready for full-fledged participatory democracy.

I’m sure you’re qualified to vote in less important elections, though. I hear an election is coming up for a new class president…

I’m pretty sure that at some point it will come out that she gave Bill Clinton a blowjob.

Is this some oblique reference to her showing a little cleavage in that one debate?
RickJay, apparently you don’t know Stoid’s day job.

Which is…

Cable news talking head?

If she wins, I got the theme song for the inganuration; Don’t Stop Thinking About the Eighties.

I’d probably better not, sorry.

Well, I must say, it’s about time we saw an anti-Hillary thread on this board.

What’s interesting to me is how Hillary is being lambasted by those who I suspect would have enthusiastically supported her if she had blown out Obama early in the race.