Hillary, is it time?

I am not going for Hillary b/c she wear happen to be a woman that like voting for Obama b/c he is Black ! Hillary is not the right woman to be our first female
president ! I wonder if some people are voting her to get Bill back in the White House . I want to vote for a woman that can stand on her own feet and not need to use her husband who was a president to get votes for her !

Voting for someone solely because of their group identity has got to be one of the worst reasons to vote for someone,


Oh and Ladies, if your guy is for Hillary, you might want to have him checked out by a medical professional.

If anything, Hillary’s ambition and acumen is probably what got Bill Clinton into the White House and allowed him to weather various crises. She is certainly credited with his comeback after losing the governorship in the 1980 election, and arguably won the Senate seat vacated by Moynihan’s retirement from New York in spite of husband rather than because of him. In fact, whenever she has gone off and left Bill to his own devices, as in 1993-4 when she was campaigning for health care reform, is when his crisis management came off the rails.

She has demonstrated in various roles to be a competent (if somewhat micromanaging) administrator and a canny politician. I don’t personally care for her, and think that she will promise pretty much anything to anyone if she thinks it will get her elected as President, but claiming that she can’t “stand on her own feet” is pretty absurd by cursory inspection.


I can’t imagine how. Obama hasn’t been bad for the country, Bill C. was not bad for the country, and HRC’s politics differ from theirs only in being somewhat more hawkish.

Lamer than a one-legged horse.

The main reason why Bill Clinton ended more popular was that many Americans were appalled at the sight of the Republicans using a bazooka to kill a fly.

And they even missed the fly…

Same with the current “scandal” by Hillary, by exaggerating what could happen to her (not much really, and that is based on past mishandling of secrets by government people that did not have any bad intentions). People eventually figure out how ridiculous the imagined charges were compared to the real ones, making the Clintons look better in the end.

Given the people in this race, I’m voting for the one who is sane, middle-of-the road, and experienced, which happens to be Hillary. For me as a woman, it would be icing on the cake that we would get a woman president, just like it was icing on the cake that Obama was the first Black president

Personally, there’s nothing wrong with being happy if your candidate becomes president and is the first <whatever>. It’s the breaking of a ceiling. It shouldn’t be the main reason you are voting for the person, but there’s no reason you can’t be happy about it or celebrate it

This argument is insulting to women and ridiculous. The UK, Australia, Canada all had female Prime Ministers and I’m not away of any of them ever making the argument that they deserved to be Prime Minister because it was ‘time for a woman’. They got the position by being chosen by their own parties as party leaders on merit.

Well, recently the problem (among many other) is that the idiot fascistic bigot showed the harm he is willing to do by not correcting what his followers believe in a town hall meeting (almost 100% of his followers did agree that they do not believe that global warming is taking place) he demonstrated once again that his solution to the issue is to ignore it and so it will go away, not.

As a recent Citibank report told us:

I do think it is better to have a president that does understand that rather than have one that would virtually ensure that we continue to ignore the issue and to make it worse.


Among his idiot ideas:


I’ll vote for Hillary, for two reasons:

  1. She’s not Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.
  2. She’s not even Bernie Sanders.

It’s not “time for a woman,” any more than it’s time for an LGBT person, or a paraplegic, or any other category of person. It’s time for someone who can lead the country.

That being said, I’m thrilled to vote for the first President who happens to be female.

I heard it was New Jersey’s state recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
Me, I could care less what gender she is. She has my vote because all the other options suck.

Well considering that African Americans came out to vote in record numbers to vote 97% for Obama to think the fact that he was black had nothing to do with it is ridiculous in and of itself. Do you think that nobody from a group which arguably has felt more discriminaton for a longer period of human history might be swayed by a feeling of sisterhood?

Sure, but it’s still stupid.

I used to think like you, but there can actually be something to voting for someone partially for those reasons. A woman is far more likely to understand the issues that women deal with in America. They’re more likely to have experienced some of them first hand and more likely to prioritize fixing them. Same goes for black people voting for Obama; it’s pretty reasonable to expect that Obama has a better grasp of and greater concern about institutionalized racism than your average white guy.

I think it’s a bad idea to make that the only deciding factor, but I don’t think people generally do that. So no, I don’t think people are voting for Hillary because “it’s time” for a female president, but having a female president who can bring a unique point of view is certainly a good idea. Same goes for having a Jewish president, a Muslim president, an atheist president, a gay president, a transsexual president, et cetera. I look forward to the day when the centuries long procession of white, male Christian presidents seems hopelessly quaint.


I’ll vote for Hillary because there’s no one in the race I trust more, and some I trust a LOT less (cough)Trump(cough). I view Bernie as what will be an ineffectual President, not because of any perceived personality defect, but because he’ll never get what he wants done past Congress. I don’t want a holy roller in the Presidency either, Mr. Cruz.

But on the historical side, it does please me that we will have the first woman President.

And anyway, we’ve already had our first paraplegic president.

And depending on who you believe (but the idea is apparently widespread), we’ve also already had our first gay president.

One thing to realize is that regarding the trust issue one should realize that the assumptions made about the e-mail “scandal” are not much relevant going forward IMHO. If Hillary becomes president that issue is moot; no, not because she would be the president, but because I can not see any of her future email use to not be more controlled and monitored.

There will be a lot of people in congress keeping an eye also.

Samantha Bee summed up how insulting this idea is eight years ago.

I guess I’m voting based on gender after all. The two current front runners (pluz Cruz) are pretty obviously shape-shifting lizard people who intend to farm us like cattle. At least Mrs. Clinton, like many females of her species, apparently does not require live prey.

One of the reasons (though not the only one) I voted against Clinton in the primary is because I believe her election would be a huge setback for feminism. The message it would send to girls would be “yes, you too can accomplish anything you want, if you just marry the right man”. I don’t have any objection to female politicians, but I do object to politicians building their career off of whom they’re married to.

And yes, I know that that’s not her sole qualification. Eight years in the Senate and four as Secretary of State is a perfectly respectable resume for a presidential candidate. But let’s be honest, would she ever have gotten those positions if she hadn’t been married to a former president?

All that said, I fully expect and intend to vote for her in the general election against any plausible Republican opponent. I just won’t vote for her as enthusiastically as I would for Sanders or a number of other potential candidates.