Looking at things from a high level down, it seems to me that Hillary is not the best choice for the Democratic nominee.
It’s great that enough people/states have been able to overcome the race issue that Obama faces, but there is still an issue with Hillary. Some people, unfortunately, feel that she, or any other woman are not capable of being the president of the most powerful (for the time being) nation in the world. Other nations do not treat women the same way we do here in the states (politically speaking of course). Some of them feel that women deserve fewer rights than men do.
I don’t dislike any of the candidates (of both parties) nearly as much as I HATE Bush. The simple fact that he cannot be re-elected, is a major source of joy for me. Fuck that dumbass.
McCain seems to be the de-facto ® nominee, Huckabee seems to like wasting money in order to prove a flaccid point. He and Nader need to either find a better way to get alternative votes to matter, or just quit being a vote stealer. Nader KNOWS he will not be elected, yet he seems to be fine with his campaign just draining votes from the Dems. Useless, also counterproductive.
Can Obama beat McCain? Sure. The Dems have a climactic advantage.
Can Hillary beat McCain? Possibly not. Misogynists nationwide will vote for the more liberal McCain than the female Clinton.
The time for change has come. If Hillary is elected and serves just one term, (unless my math is wrong) there will have been twenty four years that the US has been under the rule of only two families. That sounds much more like a monarchy than a democracy to me. Or, at least some sort of bastardization of a monarchy.
People of African decent have had a rough time in the US to put it mildly. The same goes for women. Treating African Americans as being inferior, seems to be something that is almost exclusively equated to the US.
I have nothing against a black man being president (hell, I already voted for Obama) or a female president. Some Democrats may even feel uncomfortable with my respect for McCain.
In a disgusting fashion, some republicans are voting for Hillary just because they’d rather see her up against McCain. I’d like to see Obama as President, followed by McCain and then Clinton. I just don’t feel that she will represent our country on a global level in the way that we need our newest leader to.
A female going up against a male (McCain) is going to be a challenge, especially against a decorated veteran. A female president on the world stage is a different story though. There are countries out there (some of which we are at war with) that deem women to be second class citizens. How would they view a female president?
Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher were legendary female leaders of nations. Hillary Clinton can’t hold a candle to either of them.
Republicans would LOVE to see Hillary as the Democratic nominee, they’re scared of Obama. As a Democrat, I’m scared of Hillary. That dog won’t hunt.