Hippo camping: Need image fast!

I’m doing a group presentation tomorrow on long-term memory, and I thought it might be fun to include a picture of a hippo camping (instead of the hippocampus). Searches with various criteria on both Google and Bing have turned up nothing.

Would anyone be able to locate an image of a hippopotamus at a campsite? A real picture would be preferable but an illustration would do in a pinch.

Thanks in advance!

OK. I will bite.

Unfortunately the only pictures of hippos in campsites seem to be copyrighted.
You may have to draw on white paper with crayons.

I know that was no help, and I am sure you have seen what I have seen.
Perhaps someone here has a pet hippo that they took camping.

I tried a search for Hippo Tent -

That may show something you like

Alternate suggestion -

Mock something up yourself - there are plenty of pix of cartoon hippos, combine it with a cartoon campsite pix…

It’s okay if it’s copyrighted. This is for educational use and I’m not making any money off the image. Might you lead me to where you found those images?

The image you linked me to I saw as well, but I was hoping for something a little more natural. :smiley:

RE: Hippos and camping…

One will notice I and the pictured hippo have a lot in common.

By the way, never get a hippo drunk and have him drive you to camp
Number one: They don’t have a drivers license
Number two: They want to stop and argue with other hippos
Number three: When they pass out in your tent, there is no room for anybody else

No help at all for the OP’s request, but couldn’t resist.
<<< We now return you to Hippo Camping Pictures

This one is stinking adorable! http://matthewandrews.typepad.com/.a/6a0154326e1d1c970c014e894026cf970d-pi

I figured that as well. I probably did the same search words as you did.
Such an unusual subject. Perhaps National Geographic?
Nah. Might be fruitless there.
It seems 99.99% are just nature photos.
Hopefully someone else could chime in here and help.

WhyNot, this is perfect! Thanks!

Now AF, you must explain WHY you needed a picture of a hippo in a campsite.
Or else bring cookies or pie to the meeting while we will still pester you with that question. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome! I tracked down the source. Apparently it’s a painting called Hippo in the Sahara by Leslie Sealey.

My group and I are doing a presentation for our neuroscience course tomorrow on long-term memory. The part of the brain chiefly responsible for long-term memory is the hippocampus.

At the end of the presentation, we’re doing a little memory game to see how well the students retained certain details of the slides. One of the game slides shows four images, and asks, “Which image did we use to show the hippocampus?” Three of them are brains, and one is a picture of hippos camping. :smiley:

Another punny option would be hippos at a university.

Hippo Campus

A search on “hippocampus pun” gives a few hits.

I suppose it’s a bit late now, but here’s somebody en route to the above-mentioned hippo campus.

I gotta say, I don’t think hardly anybody is going to understand the joke.

Nope, it got a great response. :smiley: