I have to have a whine about something that happened on my University campus recently. I am an ethics student and some what of a activist, I have a strong sense of social justice. Recently I helped some friends from a politic organisation to stick up a heap of posters informing people about Hiroshima Day, a day of organised demostration in opposition to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear warfare. The demonstrations are multi-issue and a great oppotunity to hear informed speakers. Yet the morning after postering I noticed someone had intentionally ripped down and postered rave and night club posters all over the Hiroshima Day posters, WHY WHY WHY?
What kind of ignorant, twisted and gutless lowlife could be against a anti-war movement? The use of an Atomic weapons has never saved a life, dispite the wishful thinking of apologists. I urge those of you who are oppossed to weapons of mass destruction and the production and use of atomic or nuclear weapons to demonstrate that opposition.
Hiroshima Day is on the 4th of August, for those living in Queensland, Sunday 12:30pm King George Square. Thanx for your replies.