I have a problem - maybe one of the Teeming Millions can help me out.
Two weeks ago, I woke up with hives on my feet and legs. Some were pretty big - the size of a quarter. I took some Claritin and waited for them to go away.
They didn’t. So last Monday (Aug 21st) I called my dermatologist and got to see him that day. He said, “yep, those are hives, take some Benadryl if your Claritin isn’t working and call me next week if they’re not better”.
I still had them yesterday, so I called him to find him on vacation. So I called the replacement doctor and got to see him.
He said, “yep, those are hives, I’ll prescribe this Zyrtec and Allegra, take those and let me know how you’re doing.”
Well, the pharmacy wouldn’t give me both Zyrtec and Allegra, so I settled for Zyrtec. I took one last night before going to sleep.
I wake up this morning to find the hives have spread onto my stomach and chest, arms, face and scalp. My whole body itches and it’s really annoying and unsightly. I look like a leper.
So I call the replacement dermatologist to find out he’s not working today. I call my regular doctor who tells me to “make an appointment for next week when he returns from vacation”.
WTF??? One: What is up with all of these shitty doctors? Two: What should I do about these horrible hives? Three: Should I just go to the hospital or what?
I am at risk for anaphylactic shock (mostly from eating nuts), so it wouldn’t be too weird for me to go to the hospital, but it’s a $50 co-pay and probably a 10 hour wait. Help!