Holy Cow-WHAT Has Val Kilmer Been Up To?

He looks like he ate John Ritter.

The problem was in his youth he was very good-looking. So as he aged, he fell to where most average people would be today.

So in terms of proportion he is worse, 'cause he fell from so far above.

Had he been average looking in his youth it would seem like he was OK today.

Well, no homo mio, but, if I looked like that, I’d be able to get a few chickies.

Best wishes,

Yeah, I don’t see Jabba the Hut. He looks fine, a little chubby and the ponytail isn’t exactly age appropriate fashion, but he looks like a reasonably decent looking 51 year old man.

But, he’s Batman!

Oh well, I guess Cat Woman got a little puffy as she got older, too.

I know fat people whose faces look skinnier than that IMDB photo. Heck, I’m one of them. I wonder if something else is wrong.

ETA: A bloating medicine would make sense, but I was thinking more of an illness.

From the nose to the cheeks he looks like he’s channeling his inner Mel Brooks to me. Man his eyes are beady in that pic though!

I think the problem faced by celebrities is that every man that posts on a message board is a virtual Adonis and every woman is a Goddess.

I work with women that I wouldn’t fuck with a borrowed penis that have conversations about how “ugly” certain actresses are. The guys just look at one another.

Same thing seems to apply to some guys.

At the risk of being whooshed, that isn’t Halle Berry.

Girl, you funny.


At the risk of being whoosed, are you being serious?

Eating, it would appear.

Jeez, a guy got old and fat. It happens. It’s kind of a bummer, but it’s not a personal betrayal to everyone who ever found him attractive.

Sorry, I wasn’t going for era parallelism.

When I think of Val Kilmer, I think “Batman” as that’s the only thing I know him from.

When I think Catwoman, the only one I can think of is Eartha Kitt.

Or Mary Kay Place.

I mean, Kilmer probably has a well-equipped gym, and a personal trainer-so why has he let himself go like this? Frankly (puffy face) he looks like a candidate for a massive heart attack. Yes, we all age…Kilmer will never look like he did in “Top Gun”-but why go to the othe extreme-,maybe he could learn from Dick Clark?

Or Julie Newmar. Me-OW!

Or Michelle Pfeiffer.

There’s been a few Catwomen.

Why should he? Why don’t you? You don’t need a home gym or a trainer to do so, just motivation. You might as well ask why there are any overweight rich people? The answer is that it’s hard work and not a lot of immediate reward.

Doncha think it looks like a steroid moon-face? Like, the prescription, not-fun kind of steroid?

Oh God YES! That woman is just a bundle of blubber! :rolleyes:

Maybe now that the Quaids have claimed sanctuary in Canada the Star Whackers have gone after him.

He’s always been the king of “I worked with him… ONCE” actors.