Holy flurking Schnitt! Giant Freaking Girbils!


Forget Locusts! GIANT FREAKING GERBILS! Taking over Asia! They’ll be wearing little Chairman Mao suits next and taking over our televisions! They’ve already destroyed 11 MILLION acres, the same size as freaking SWITZERLAND!! What else is scary, is that it says that this is the worst rodent disaster to hit the provence for the last 10 years.
What happened 10 years ago that could be worse?? :o
But what can save us from these freaks of nature?
EAGLES! Giant Freaking Eagles!! Specially bred to eat Giant Freaking Gerbils
but what happens when the eagles eat all the gerbils?

who will be able to temper the hunger of the Giant Freaking EAGLES?


me hides in the basement with a long stick for fending off giant eagles

Gerbil-inna-bun Mister? And I’d be Cutting Me Own Throat…

They’ve got gerbils exploding out the Xinjiang?

And once again lieu digests the subject down to its simplest form.


Hmmm, maybe we should fire the SDMB hamsters and hire some Giant Freaking Gerbils instead.

Seems as if Xinjiang is located just northof Tibet.

Clearly, this is just the first wave of a Richard Gere inspired takeover of China.

Oh dear God no. Don’t the hamsters eat enough of our posts as it is? Giant Freaking Gerbils might snack on whole threads… even whole forums! Think, man!

It’s simple, they’ll import eaglivorous octopi that will snatch the eagles as they feed in the water.


…no wonder Richard Gere wants to free Tibet. :dubious:

Oops, I guess I shouldn’t’ve suggested it already

Please forgive me.


I know an old lady who swallowed a titanic landgoing shark. I don’t know why she swallowed the titanic landgoing shark. Perhaps she’ll yark.

With frickin’ (does quotey thing with fingers) “lasers” on their heads.

I was positive this was going to be about capybaras.

I was, too. I came in here hoping to cry “brothers!” but also, no.

strange, i thought it was the year of the sheep/goat/lamb…

Maybe that explains the hole the dog is digging out behind the garage. I thought I smelled rice when I looked down into it…

this will save having to buy Dog Chow next month!

I think Vince Russo could - he’d simply book a swerve and POOF no more eagles. :smiley:

Looks like China is trying to corner the RUS market. :wink:

Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.