A 3 megabyte email? Really? A one-page MS Word document flyer announcing another of your inane ‘rah-rah’ group’s meetings? With all of maybe 25 words, I assume the rest of the bulk was the bitmap graphic you used as a background.
I have no problem reflexively deleting pretty much any email I get from you anymore, but 3 mb? Do you have any idea what that does to Outlook?
I’m really a lot more angry about this than I should be, I guess. My rage burns with the fury of a 40-watt incandescent blacklight bulb!
I got no say in the matter, I suck from the teat of a corporate giant. Were I to somehow successfully install a program on my work PC I’d be subjected to The Very Large Rectal Corkscrew and would be made to chew on my own pulsing colon.
We occasionally get people that do that around here. Mine usually are usually useless report or inspirational reading. Nothing like sending out 3meg emails to 1100 people. Really, I don’t mind having your announcement fill up 10% of my allotted email storage space. I’m sure that IT doesn’t mind having that email out there taking up 3.3gig of space. Really.
Don’t even get me started on the end of month reports that fly. I’ve had days where I get 12+meg of reports, that I have to weed through to find the 5 lines that apply to me. Gah!
They should be reaming out your fellow cow-orker instead for bogging down the system with that kind of crap. Maybe you should send an anonymous suggestion that they limit his/her attachment file size…or install a pain stimulus device to his/her keyboard that goes off at 80% for every inane email with sizable attachment and ups the power by 5% for every repeat (up to a maximum of 150% at which point said cow-orker is a puddle of goo and the problem is solved)…
Your rows of dumb emoticons are an insult both to the eyes and the intelligence of anyone unfortunate enough to open this thread. As garish as they are puerile, the only message they convey to me is this poster has a limited vocabulary and great difficulty in expressing himself.
Emoticons, used properly, nuance the words they accompany, they’re not a goddam substitute for them.
I work with educators who have somehow managed to turn “consequence” into a verb.
“In revising this year’s code of conduct, do we need to change how we will consequence violations of section III?”
“So he came into my office and I explained that I was going to have to consequence him for his actions”.
Back to the OP: A couple years back, in response to a request from one of our principals, the IT department took everybody’s 3-color stationery and created templates in word. So instead of formatting a “letterhead blank” document, saving on that, and sticking some actual letterhead in the printer, we could just open the template, type and print.
Ok. Except the template itself is a 10.6 MB file. Just a bit inconvenient for writing, and e-mailing on, wouldn’t you say?
Then you should learn how to resize them before you send them out and clog up everyone’s inbox. My Canon takes pictures that come raw from the camera at 3888x2592 pixels, over 4 MB; by resizing them to 600x400 pixels I get them down to under 200 KB, and yet they’re plenty big enough for people to see them just fine.
If I had a friend or acquaintance who regularly sent me monster picture files, and who continued to do so after I’d asked them to downsize them (and, if necessary, told them how to do it), that person would be in danger of winding up on my blocked sender list. Not resizing huge picture files is inconsiderate at best; downright rude if it’s a repeated offense.
I posted this a few years ago on the day it happened. Someone sent a version of the Gas Out e-mail to everyone in the company. That’s something like 65,000 people. A few people did a Reply to All saying that they thought it was a good idea. Then a bunch of people Replied to All that they didn’t want to get any more e-mails and could they please be taken off the list. Then the rest of the day was Reply to All messages saying “Yes, take me off of this list too.”
I occasionally get 10+ MB scanned reports. Yech. Even these only make my version of Outlook hesitate a second. The real problem is the email box size limit imposed by our IT guys. Hey, IT, make the FTP site easy to use and provide clear instructions on how to use it and I will. Until then, you can choke on my 10 MB emails forwarding the scanned reports.
Just a second? Really? Toss something over a meg at my inbox and Outlook is locked up for a good 30 seconds at least. Heaven forbid I should ever tap that mail again in the deleted items 'cuz Outlook starts all over again with the , “Oh my, oooh, I don’t knowww…” And yeah, the mailbox size limit was set back in like, 1982 or something when memory was scarce and rare and nobody sent monstrous 200 kb image files via email … things were better then and we were thankful.
Besides, it’s not the client that’s the problem, it’s getting a 3MB email because from an idiot when a few KB would do – even WITH a properly formatted graphic.