Please stop sending me 49.2 megabyte files.

It’s on Youtube. Really, honestly it is. Please just send me a link.

I’m tired, so very tired, of downloading the 49.2 megabyte attachments you keep sending me.

My mail program comes up. I receive 8 or nine messages quickly and efficiently. It’s nice.

Then I see that what I thought said:

Downloading message (9 of 9) (1.2 KB of 49.2 KB)

actually says:

Downloading message (9 of 9) (1.2 MB of 49.2 GIANT HUGE HONKING MB)

And it makes me sad.

I’m sure your video is very amusing, but please be kind and just send me a nice, calm, mercifully brief link. It’s like peppermint tea for my inbox. Your 49.2 megabyte file is like a turducken wrapped in lard and bacon fried in motor oil. It makes my poor inbox ill.

Please stop making my inbox ill.

Might I add that the inconsiderate louts who send such files usually send dumbass files I don’t want to see anyway…“Cute Kitten Plays With Yarn”…for that vomit inducing video, I had to download some hugeass file?

The only good thing I can say to the “friend” who continues to use the attachment feature over the link feature of his email is that once in every 50 to 100 tries he does send me something that was worth his trouble. He thus redeems himself from my ill will and allows himself to stay on my mailing list for things I deem worth sending to others.

When I decide to send a video, an audio file or a longish text file to others I follow one of three paths:

  1. If I can find a link to it, on YouTube, Wikipedia, Urban Dictionary, Snopes, or any of the other sources for my wit, I send the link.

  2. If I can’t locate a link and it’s more than 10K, I paraphrase it.

  3. Otherwise, I keep it to myself.

I don’t use a catch-all mailing list either. And I don’t send copies of things back to the people who sent them to me in the first place.

Oh, and please continue to send me the virus warnings, especially if they’re six months old or older. I love those! And don’t check Snopes or Symantec first. What do they know?

Good God!

As a mail admin, I’m sort of confused as to why your mail system even accepts 49.2 GB files. We’re mean and we cap everyone at 10MB (which I think is way too high but that’s what the people want).

I wonder how people have the patience to SEND such a huge file, as upstream is usually capped on most ISPs. If it were me, it’d take twice as long to send than it would to receive. Ouch!

My e-mail will accept 20MB worth of attachments. The only time I’ve ever had to send so much is when it’s me sending stuff to myself. The rest of the time I use a flash drive.

But, yeah. Anyone who sends me 49.2MB worth of rubbish deserves to receive a 49.2MB scheisse video, preferably starring someone who looks like his mother. Because I just don’t have the patience for that crap.


I think they hit ‘send’ and then go to bed. ::: sheesh ::::

Heck, I go ballistic if they just send me a 500K picture that is over 800 x 800 pics. I’m just going to look at it on my monitor, not get it professionally printed. Take the time to resize it for heavens sake. Just because you can send from work where you have a huge fiber optic pipe doe not mean that my crappy dial-up can down load it in less than an hour.

Of course I don’t use an email client that I can’t see if you have embedded an image or made an attachment and so I just don’t open them. Well, now I can because I can block embedded pictures and attachments but I also tell you three times to not do that. After three times, I just don’t read your emails anymore.

I have a slow DSL now and things are better but I don’t suffer asshats well and since you are not my Mother, I won’t put up with it.

Also, if you send me something that has been fwd’ed 423 times, you better be stripping it because after three times of telling you not to, I just ‘reply all’ with embarrassing and crazy stuff to maximize your discomfort. I mention you by name and email address so all them zillions of folks will know who did it and you can suffer the hundreds of irate emails because you are an lazy asshat.

Applies to my siblings too. Mom does not use a computer so… Yeah, I’m an asshat about it…

Threads like this make me glad I use Hotmail.

Apparently, my ISP doesn’t have a limit. This is obviously a mixed blessing.