Holy shite, Maeglin's RIGHT!!!!!

Just thought you should all know.

That is all.



(Shouldn’t you be working? :dubious: )

(Or at the very least… calling me about playing UT2003 tonight?)

Nothing really. Just wanted someone to say that. :slight_smile:

Sure, I can pencil you in. :stuck_out_tongue:

Max, you bastard, no boobies for you.

You’re use of a pencil is rather disconcerting! I feel as if I have not earned the permanent effects of a rather wonderful invention known as the pen!

(Perhaps I should install the bonus pack before we play… yikes!)

Can I have his ration?


Maeglin is in charge of boobie distribution? Since when? And what’s your price?


I thought it ment that something to the near right of Maeglin was rather disturbing/amazing.
Or perhaps his right side.

That’s not usual. Maeglin is never right. He looks good with a foil and a mask, though.

God. You know, we’ve worked at toning down his ego… and now THIS?

What is this world bloody well coming to!

Always left?

Heck, I thought it meant he’d settled on the correct side of the congressional aisle.

And can I put in an order for one nicely rounded one to be installed dead-center on my forehead?

I’m thinking that after I do that, people (women) will stop asking, “Whassa matter, y’got boobs on the brain…?”

Maeg’s not right. That would violate the very laws of the physical universe.