Home Depot Job Interview - What to Wear?

I have a job interview at Home Depot on Friday. What should I wear?

I don’t think a power suit, hose, and heels would be appropriate because it’s not at all that sort of job (and I don’t even own a power suit). Any suggestions?

Take it one step down. Slacks, blouse, unmatched jacket and flats. Think blandly professional. Or a nice professional dress.

I worked part time at Home Depot a few years ago. I wore clean, pressed jeans and a plain button down shirt to my interview. If you want to go a little nicer, a pair of dressier pants or khakis should do the trick.

Jeans and an orange vest over a reasonably nice polo shirt.

ANswers the question “when can I start” quite nicely.

Most definitely wear something orange.

For what position are you interviewing? I would expect a management candidate to dress somewhat better than one applying for a cashier position. The rule of thumb, though, is dress one step up from the people in the position you desire.

Customer service position, a.k.a. “special services”. I’m presuming I’ll be in a polo shirt and something orange while actually on duty, assuming I get the job. I’d wear a polo shirt, except I don’t own one.

My general rule is to dress one notch up from what the job will actually wear. Example: My current job is a “slacks and button-up shirt” job. I interviewed in a suit and tie. If it were a jeans-and-polo-shirt job, I’d wear slacks and a button-up shirt.

I worked at the Home Depot for a couple of years in my 20s, by the way. I believe I wore black twill pants and a white button-up shirt to the interview. I probably looked like a waiter, or a 12-year old on the way to church with his parents. :stuck_out_tongue:

Which raises an interesting question: What do you wear for a job interview at a nudist camp?

A tie.

A friend just started at a Home Depot in Florida. She wore khakis and a button up shirt, and attractive but sensible shoes for her interview. (And says good luck, because she really enjoys the job so far.)

Good luck!

That sounds just right for a job interview with a hardware store.

Best of luck to you, Broomstick!

Really? I’d wear a hat. :smiley:

This, but kill the jacket. Wear a nice blouse or sweater with slacks and flats, possibly very low heels. Think of a polished business casual. When I applied to (and got a job at) JC Penney, I wore a collared button up shirt, black pants, and dressy black flats.

Good luck!

A white linen suit done up as a fancy quasi-military dress uniform, with lots of medals, perhaps a sash, and elaborate gold epaulettes.

When anyone asks, tell them that you got your schedule messed up and thought you were interviewing at Home Despot.

But then the question becomes where would you wear it (for the guys, anyway).

I would wear it around the neck as expected…a little too long for a guy wearing pants…but not nearly long enough for a guy wearing no pants, as I presumably would not be.

Boom. Nudist formalwear. :cool:

Its a tie, not a ribbon and bow…:wink:

Best of luck. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.