Home made incubators

Im going to be getting some quil eggs to hatch. I dont want to buy one from a store. I used a store bought one once,and i couldn’t keep the temps right. So i was going to make one. I foubd plans for one call Matilda the Electric hen. Im trying to find some info about it. Has anybody ever made this one? If so did it work? Thanks for the help.:slight_smile:

I made one for chicken eggs.
Since I’m an Engineer, I probably over-engineered it.
I had three light bulbs for heat sources - 2 small ones which were on all the time, and one 60w bulb that I thermostatically controlled. I used an Evaporative Cooler thermostat to control the bulb. Since these are designed to turn ON when the temperature gets too high, I used a relay to change the ON to OFF. I also put a fan in to circulate the warm air. I put in a screened platform with corrugated foam to hold the eggs. Also, I put in a small container for water (very important). I would spray the eggs twice a day and turn them at the same time. I could hatch a dozen eggs at a time, and I was very successful. I built the incubator out of plywood, with a plexiglass face.