Where to begin? Some much wholesale cupidity! Lets start with:
The Enemy “Thousands of trained killers” boiling furiously with rage and hatred, flinging themselves against our nation. So where are they? What are they waiting for? No clue. But I can tell you this: if this lull persists, Our Leader will be taking credit.
"Of course, for security reasons, we cannot reveal how many dastardly plots have been foiled. But its a bunch of 'em! We can’t tell you about it. But we’re doing a hell of a job, yessireebob! Trust us.”
Is the timing suspicious? Well, rather. But soft! Turns out that they’ve been working on this plan for a Long Time. They didn’t just cobble it together in order to be seen as Doing Something, this is the fruit of conscientious labor, not just some slap-dash improv to take off the heat.
Uh-huh. Amazing, isn’t it? Damn near everything else “leaked”, all kinds of embarrassing and ugly facts leak out, but not this. No hint, no clue. A organizational study that, if done correctly, needs the input of hundreds of people from all over the gummint. Out of all these turf protecting back stabbing beureaucrats not one leak? Extraordinary, no?
Unless, of course, they’re lying. Spinning. Whatever.
And what resources are to be re-assigned? Is a Coast Guard cutter captain to be reassigned to an anti-smallpox lab? An FBI agent off inspecting school cafeteria grade hamburger? Nonsense. Most everybody will continue to perform the same tasks they have training and experience to perform. Only those personnel who perform investigative functions will be refocused, and most of them will be in the FBI-CIA-ATF cabal. They will report to the same people they reported to before, and those people will brief Tom Ridge. Wow. Big whoppity whoop. Bet those terrists are shaking in their sandals now.
Further doth Our Leader assure us that all of this can be accomplished without the dreadful horror of Expanding Bureaucracy! Oh happy day! Our darkest fears are abated! No expanded bureaucracy, just an extra layer of organization! A grateful nation blubbers it’s gratitude!
Enough. If you’ve read this far, I have already belabored your attention span. Go in peace, and vote Republican no more.