I don’t think there’s any Ultimate figs out there at all…at least none that I’ve seen. FTR, Since it was revealed more than a year ago, and even that was simply making explicit what had been obvious, if only implicit, for several years before that, I don’t think it calls for a spoiler.
But if we’re getting into comics - on the DC side, DC Direct has a Batwoman figure - two, in fact, one of which (a Minimates version) comes packaged with her on-again-off-again girlfriend, Renee Montoya, the current Question… (Note the hair, despite the blocky Minimate form making gender hard to distinguish, that’s definitely Renee’s hair, not Vic’s. Not that Kate had any interaction with Vic to get packaged with him, anyway…)
There’s also at least one fig of Obsidian in the JLU toyline. But we have no way of knowing if JLU Obsidian is gay like the comic book version is.
Given the popularity of the Flash’s Rogues, I’m very surprised - and saddened - that, AFAICT, there’s no Piper fig.
And two iffy ones for classification:
There are HUGE numbers of Wonder Woman figures, and, although they’ve always been circumspect about it, she’s often treated as bisexual (or outright lesbian, but the number of times she’s had relationships, or at least sexual tension with men - Steve Trevor, Superman, Batman, or Tom Tresser, off the top of my head - speaks against that interpretation). It’s usually presented in an offhand, or joking way which provides deniability, but it’s definitely the authorial intent, for at least a few writers. Including her creators (‘Suffering Sappho’ is no accident).
The other that comes to mind immediately is Poison Ivy, who’s iffy in a different way - she’s explicitly known to have been sexually involved with women from time to time, but aside from the teasing surrounding her relationship with Harley Quinn, it’s really unclear whether she did this out of attraction, or to get close to them/manipulate them for whatever her schemes are. (And as to Harley, it’s definitely real caring, but it’s unclear if it’s a romantic/sexual thing, or more sisterly.)