Homosexuality, For or Against?

Woo hoo! Just call me the Mark McGwire to the SDMB bigot crowd.

You’re the Mark McGwire to the SDMB bigot crowd.

Thanks for explaining it.
Sometimes I take things too serious .
But I did exposed the PC crowd showing that just asking
a question will get you called bigot by some.

Ohhhh how I love when the PC crowd is exposed.

They’re all so handsome.


Hey guys, quit it. You’re wasting time making jokes when you should be making with the breeding.

Otherwise the human race is doomed.


Dammit! I didn’t get the memo again?!!? Here there were exposed PC folks and hererosexuals encouraged to breed for humankinds sake (see, I am a card carryin’ PC-er) and nobody called me???

Dammit dammit dammit.

I gotta start goin’ to the meetings.

um, the card carrying PC folk of course, refer to “Heterosexuals” as “Hererosexuals” being of course that they are ‘here, not queer, get used to it?’

The last time I checked, we were at 6 billion and counting, so the OP can set his mind (or whatever he has between his ears) at rest.

What spirit was it intended in? It sounds to me as though december is stereotyping gays as having a natural proclivity to being artistic. It additionally sounds as though it is being implied that this is the only area they are capable of contributing to society in.

Granted, maybe thats not what december meant, but that’s what it sounded like to me. Sorry if I misinterpreted.

Au contraire; anything that ensures higher competency and professional standards must be supported.:smiley:

Humynkind, wring, humynkind. Didn’t you upgrade your PC spell-check with the latest patch?

As a minor tangent from the OP, should China, in addition to their one-child policy, encourage homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, to reduce their birthrate?

{{{ Nurse Ratchet!!! }}}

I want my cigarettes, please.

Obviously, I’ve got to get on that damn mailing list. (or should that be femailing list? humyning list? argh!!! let me see the manual. gads no, the femanual, nope, the woperdaughterual…[sub] whimper whimper whimper)[/sub]

Um, I thought everyone was gay?

Everyone is gay. Some are just in denial, while others need to be reminded.

Soylent Green is Fabulous!

Let me see if I have this straight :

The OP is so enamoured of WWF’s unique style of “sports entertainment” (tight pants, bare chests, oiled bodies, crotch holds, and PUPPIES) that he’s incorporated the name of their flagship programme into his SN, and he objects to the SG&L Mardi Gras?*


Someone come get me out of chat when this hits the Pit, the light refreshments are on me.
*[sub]me thinks the real reason he’s pissy is because he found out Kane and Taker aren’t really brothers[/sub]


[celestina taking her glasses off, cleaning them well, putting them on again, squinting at the computer screen, scratching her head]

RAWisSydney said:
“If everyone in the world was Straight, life would go on.
If everyone turned gay, we couldnt reproduce naturally.”


Um, the way I see it, there’re plenty of heterosexuals and homosexuals that shouldn’t have kids because they don’t know how the hell to be decent parents, and there are plenty of heterosexuals who don’t–Thank the lord!–have kids. Likewise, there’s plenty of heterosexuals and homosexuals who should have kids because they’d make wonderful parents, and they do–Thank the lord!–have kids. Unfortunately, there are far too many, heterosexual and homosexual, who are terrible parents who have kids, and while this is a problem, I think it’s safe to say that there are other threats far more potent to the continued existence of homo sapiens, say IGNORANCE, than homosexuality.

I am for every other guy to become gay, so that I may have a chance with the ladies.


didn’t you hear? They are all gay, and you still have no chance with the ladies:)

Oh boy, another Gay thread from an apparent homophobe. Pretty original. :rolleyes: