Does honey made primarily from cannabis or poppy plant flower pollen/nectar retain the active ingredients and/or effects of these plant based drug sources?
You can eat all the poppy honey you want and still pass a drug screen.
Too bad.
For a moment there I thought we had a way to calm down killer bees
The active ingredients of various psychoactive plants (THC in the case of marijuana hemp and various alkaloids in the opium poppy) are all in the resins of those plants, not the pollen. So you can eat all the poppy pollen you want and rest assured you won’t end up like Burroughs.
Honey made from nectar collected from Rhododendron flowers is toxic (cite), although I believe the toxicity naturally breaks down after a fairly short period of storage.
My school physics teacher described this as “the sod’s law of the universe”.
sorry, that reply was meant for another thread :o
The phenomenon of toxic honey (“Mad Honey”) was well known to the Classical World. Adrienne Mayor did an article on it in (I think) Archaeology less than ten years ago.
Cannabis is pollinated by wind, not insects anyway.