It’s Hallmark card for fuck sake! With cute little cartoon animals reaching out to graduates. But they do use the term “black hole” which, if you are really, really really drunk (or feel your little group isn’t getting enough media attention these days), could be interpreted as a derogatory term for African prostitutes. Because what better way for Hallmark to market their image than to release a card specifically to offend your entire race?
It pisses me off even more that these companies are bending over to accommodate this sort of mindless inanity. They don’t understand that this type of thing only serves to make the public want this card all the more.
Thank you guys, for protecting the ears of the innocent from these bigoted hate-mongers. Next you should probably go after NASA. Who knows what horrible racist astrological bodies they’ll discover next? Cut this one off at the source!
I’d have to see a transcript of the entire recording of the card greeting before I could decide if I thought there was anything tactless about the wording. In the meantime, though, I kind of doubt that anybody at Hallmark green-lighted explicitly saying “whores” on a greeting card.
Please tell me this is a joke. I mean… is there anyone on the planet with an IQ over 20 who in all seriousness would think that Hallmark would advertise a card referring to “black whores” in it – positively or negatively?! What. The. Hell?!
This is an embarrassment. I’m just gobsmacked. What an insult to people fighting actual racism or even cultural insensitivity.
I listened to it, and it’s clearly saying “Black Holes”, followed up with “Planets…”
And I would love to hear some racist language, and get my undies in a bundle, but this is so clear that I cannot imagine anyone even thinking this… let alone mis-hearing it, mis-reacting to it, mis-attributing racism to it and mis-protesting it. It’s absurd.
I hope the NAACP hasn’t blown their perceived integrity over this.
I love the lady at the end. “We do not want to see this ever, ever again!” with such a look of exasperated indignity.
I have to believe at least some of them are fully aware that the card doesn’t actually say “black whores”, but find it a fantastic reason to get up in arms about something. I dunno, maybe it’s a sign that racism is on the decline. I mean, if there were any actual transgressions to become outraged about, this wouldn’t happen… right?
They’re accusing Hallmark–Hallmark, the company that has practically trademarked “bland”–of deliberately creating a product that speaks audibly of whores? And is racist, to boot? There’s still plenty of real racism afoot, racism that’s actually affecting the political environment, and they pick this to talk about?
Oh my mother fucking God! Why blacks from every walk of life aren’t shouting these assholes down is beyond me.
The inside of the card reads, “But not only the world, Nooooo we’re talking the entire solar system.” It mentions planets, Saturn and so on.
No bitch there is NO “R” in there. I actually tried to hear it, it just ain’t there. It’s “black holes” as part of the universe. Thanks for chipping back race relations one more time for some made up bullshit reason.
Jesus fuck. And fuck you too Hallmark for grabbing ankles over this.
I like how they said it’d been on the shelves for 3 years and no one had noticed. But what gets me even more, is that they aren’t saying there are overtones of racism for saying that “black holes” should watch their backs and that it’s a metaphor. That would at least be vaguely arguable, though still pretty dumb. Nope, they’re saying that the card actually says “whores.” Or maybe “hoes.” No one seems to be able to agree, although “reasonable people” can clearly hear it.
I think that the Universe was created in one big orgasmic bang and is dotted with a smattering of voracious black holes speaks something to the luck the 20th uber nerd physicist had with the fairer sex and the sublimation of certain thoughts.
Why didn’t anybody say anything about the times National Lampoon used “black holes” in their jokes, where they very clearly were drawing comparisons with black people?
Anyhoo, I used to believe the Stewie was singing “effing cry” in the Family Guy theme song. I think by season 3 there was enough concern to redub it and MacFarlane went from under-enunciation to over-enunciation, making sure everybody knew it was “laugh and cry”.
And the people complaining about the card are idiots.