Horoscopes - Male/Female differences

This may stray into IMHO territory, but I’ll post it here in the hope of getting a factual answer.

I just had a discussion with a female friend, and the issue of horoscopes came up. In both of our experiences, magazines with a predominantly-female readership tend to have horscopes. We couldn’t think of a magazine read mainly by men that has one.

Are we forgetting some? If not, why is this true?

This [url=“http://ca.dir.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Cultures_and_Groups/Men/Magazines/”]list of magazines for male readerships mentions something called Breaka Interactive as containing a horoscope feature. I don’t know if any of the others do, though.

Men aren’t as gullible. They also need less reassurance from others (have more inherent self reliance, don’t care as much what others think). They also aren’t as impressed with “data” that comes in the form of advice vs. observable phenomena (religiousness).

tfs: *Men aren’t as gullible. *

I dunno. Considering how many guys buy stuff like “penis enlargement” devices and “fuel line magnets” to increase gas mileage and so forth, I’m inclined to think that men are just as gullible as women. Isn’t it mostly men who have fallen for scams like the “Nigerian bank account” fraud, too?

tfs: They also need less reassurance from others (have more inherent self reliance, don’t care as much what others think). They also aren’t as impressed with “data” that comes in the form of advice vs. observable phenomena (religiousness).

Both of those statements also sound kind of iffy to me. Religion, in particular, has been a male-dominated field for most of its history.

Fine. I’ll accept your version of things, since I need to feel validated. :wink:

But then back to the question at hand - Why do women read horoscopes? And frequent palmists? And watch soap operas? And wear hats in church? And read Ann Landers’ daughter’s column? And not have enough pockets? Huh! Answer me them, why doncha.

Magazines with predominantly male readership are for looking at the pictures, not reading the articles. Who notices if they have horroscopes or not?