Hot Chicks with Douchbags - Where are the douchebags and douchbagettes from?

In looking at theHot Chicks with Douchebags website one thing that generally occurs to me is "Where are these (generally) college age guys (and girls) from? The site features people in the middle of nightclub or party festivities and mocks the leering grins, hand signs and overall appearance.

I see a fair number of college students in the course of my travels and I’ve never seen a college population where these people were in evidence in any numbers. Occasionally I’ll see a beefed up athlete, but a lot of these folks don’t even seem to be students. I’m also stunned at the number of 20 something women with breast implants in these photos.

Where are the sub-cultures located that generates these living stereotypes? Are these people actually college students or something else?

Good lord, I can’t believe I’m about to say this but…a lot of those people look like they come from New Jersey. :smack:

I think they’re mostly older than college-age, though. I’d guess mid-twenties. And there seem to be certain clubs that cater to the douchebag demographic.

P.S. My vote goes to the Ab Lobster

Once, in a shameful bout of Googling my former childcare provider (before you get the wrong idea, something very very bad had happened in her house and, even though I had pulled my kids out of there by then, I was obsessed with finding out how much I just did not know), I came across her teenage kids’ MySpace pages.

Her kids and their friends (late teens/early 20s) all have references to “Mafia Princess” and “Gangsta” in their profiles, and their pictures would look right at home there.

her sons live in a section of Boston—most of the kids associated with those pages live in Hyde Park, if that area means anything to you.

Not all of them look Italian-American, though, if you’re thinking about Guido culture. What is it about New Jersey, anyhow?

From the quick glance I gave it, these people seem older than college age to me.

I have to be honest, my friends and I make stupid faces like that when we’re mugging for the camera. We do it to be silly, not to look sexy or whatever.

Still, what a weird idea for a website.

PS: The guy under “Wednesday Limerick” is kind of fiiine. If he’s a douchebag, I’ll take two.

I noticed some New Jersey spilling over into my monitor as well. To be fair, you can’t assume it is New Jersey-itis without a second opinion. Parts of the Philadelphia area produce them and some of the most prized champion stock specimens in the world are bred in Revere, Massachusetts just outside of Boston. It is getting harder to spot them from a distance since the IROC-Z was discontinued.

I have to admit, those are some amazing douchebags. Jesus, this guy would make Gandhi want to punch him in the face.

Speaking of Jersey, this is from the FAQ.

The guy pulling his shirt down? Are you serious? All I see is a guy who needs to be stuffed in a dumpster.

Well, quite a few of the guys on that page would look fine if they were wearing different clothes and weren’t pointing to their own abs or pretending to hump whatever’s next to them.

Douchebaggery is about attitude, not about looks. The guys miming doggie style on the chicks – that’s all class.

That’s the one. From what I can see, he’s got a young Dermot Mulroney thing going.

Honestly though, the silly posing doesn’t bother me much because I could show you a dozen pictures of me being just as silly.

A lot of the comments from that website sound like a lot of bitter jealousy to me :wink:

Yes. I am agreeing with you. :slight_smile:

I love taking silly pictures. But the guys on that website just look like . . . well, douchebags (and so do a lot of the girls). I fully admit I’m being judgmental here - for all I know they are paragons of virtue with the minds of Einstein and the hearts of Schweitzer. But I doubt it. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was trying to explain to a couple girls at work why ‘popping’ your collar makes you a douchebag. The thing is, I couldn’t give a reason, other than the fact that it does. I mean…doucebags pop their collars, and if you pop your collar, you’re a douchebag. It’s one of those weird things that describes itself. For some reason, they actually like popped collars and the guys that have them, but they are otherwise NOT the type of girls you normally see with douchebags! They aren’t tanned out, coke heads, or ditzes, or what have you. It’s weird, but they just don’t seem to get what, exactly, makes a guy a douchebag.

Oh, and since we’re on the subject, here is a google image search for douchebag that I found: Damn, that guy’s a douche!

And here’s a picture of me at a costume party. I came as a douchebag. I also had not seen the previous picture until just five minutes ago, and the similarities are eerie.

Sorry, no. He’s hot. He’s screwing around and making a funny face, but he clearly isn’t taking himself seriously. A lot of those guys are just normal guys screwing around because they’re drinking and having fun and someone’s taking their picture. I’m not impressed. :cool:

Holy crap, are these guys for real!?


So THAT’S how women rationalize these A-holes to themselves. You always just tell yourselves that they’re not serious. But they are. I can tell.

You can tell from one picture? Come on. Being silly can be fun. Taking yourself seriously all the time is douchebaggish in my book. Not YOU because I don’t know you, but in general.

I like a guy who doesn’t mind looking foolish from time to time.

Most of these photos appear to be taken at a club or a party. How seriously is one supposed to take oneself in such an environment?

The girls look pretty douchey too, for the record…