Ohmygawd. Is there any type of herbal supplement I can take for hot flashes? Please, tell me someone out there has one that works. Thank you in advance. If I don’t roast alive in my own skin, I’ll give it a review. :o (cheeks flushed every 1/2 hour or so…for the next three years…)
I’m not quite there yet, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about soy–either as food or as a supplement.
It is better not to play around with supplements by yourself, although many people do. They are biologically active, which of course is why you want to take them. But, because of that, they can interact with each other and with other medications you might be taking.
For example, St. Johns Wort has a significant impact on the rate of metabolism of many other compounds, including birth control pills. (I do recognize that metabolism of birth control pills may not be your biggest concern right now - it’s just the one I remember for sure) My cite for this is my ND colleague whose research proposal on St Johns Wort I listened to last week, but I could come up with hard cites if anyone wants them.
The best plan if you want to go the herbal route would be to consult with an ND (Naturopathic Doctor). I have no idea where you are, since they took away the location thingies, but in Seattle we have an excellent resource: Bastyr University. If you have a hard time finding a good practitioner in your location, they may be able to help you.
That’s what my Dr just recommended to me. I’ve been dealing with hot flashes for almost a year now.
I forgot to pick some up last time I was at the pharmacy. Gotta make a list…
Thanks for the tip. I only take a women’s multi-vitamin and vitamin E (and a daily aspirin), so I’m not too concerned with interactions. Good thing I live in Chicago, where I can throw myself into a snowdrift four to six times a day, huh? I had no idea how intense these little hormonal tidal waves could be!
I found something called Black Cohosh in my husband’s vitamin book. I’m going to give it a try. They had a lot of “soy” things in there, but they weren’t just “soy” and they were talking about brain and liver benefits…not perimenopause stuff. If the black cohosh doesn’t work, maybe I’ll take a trip to GNC and talk to someone there. (Wahoo! I haven’t had a flash since yesterday. I feel like I’m on vacation!)
I was having a really rough time with hot flashes, night sweats, etc. I started taking Emerita® Menopause Plus Formula in addition to my daily mutivitamin. After about a week, I really noticed a drastic reduction in symptoms. Good luck.
My doctor recommended Black Cohosh too. I have used it with some success. She also suggested an herbal compund. I’m trying to track down the sheet of paper with the name on it. When I do, I’ll repost. I hope I can find it.
SHe also said increase soy. I guess every one out there is singing the same tune on this.