Hot or Not!!

And “eh”.
I am a HOT mess.

You know what they say about big feet.


I have always been unpopular and overlooked. I attribute many things to this phenomenon, but one of them is how dull and unappealing I look, with a poor collection of features, terrible posture, and a generally dour facial expression. Stupid uncontrollable hair, which went prematurely grey, and then losing it from age 30 really didn’t help.

I don’t know. What I am is fearless and adventurous in various different ways.
There’s a photobucket album of me on page 20 of “Yet ANOTHER picture thread? Trying to revive an online Portrait Gallery” in MPSIMS.

Pretty much this. Your own assessment of yourself is one thing, and the assessments provided by other people are quite another. Other people inform me that I am hot. Enough strangers stop me on the street to deliver this message that I am no longer surprised by it.

Last time this poll came around I gave myself maybe an 8, on the basis that if I’m paid to pose for pictures I’m probably pretty attractive. It was then rather patiently pointed out that almost no one gets paid to pose for pictures, and I might want to reassess. I gave my Twitter link out here once, and the header photo got some comments that could be reasonably paraphrased as ‘hubba hubba’.

I keep a general portfolio gallery and let people tag me on Facebook, where I exist under my stage name. Y’all can judge for yourselves.

Just as a side note, I have noticed that most people will rate themselves significantly lower than others do. I have no idea if this is a genuine difference in perception, or cultural pressure to be humble about it, or a mix of the two.

I’m slightly better than average but definitely not hot. However, I do have a killer smile (thanks to braces and whitening). Or so I’ve been told.

“Girl-next-door” is often hotter than “glamorous”. :slight_smile:

I am a chunky little old guy with very rapidly thinning hair and glasses

Chicks dig that look.

And…hot or not?

I would say probably not

I’ll go along with this reasoning, but it leads me to the opposite conclusion. Enough people have not told me I’m hot to make me conclude that I’m not.

When you’re my age the term is MILF. I’ve been told I’m a MILF. :wink:

As a dad, I once found out that my nickname amongst some of the workers where my daughter attended daycare was “DILF.” Unfortunately, none of the workers were in my “ILF” category except one that was married.

golf clap

This made me giggle.

As for the OP’s question, I’m warm.


Am I hot? Certainly not.

Yeah, maybe sometimes I am…somewhat cute. For every good pic, however, there can be 50+ that are certainly not. For a 51 year old - I think I’m OK. Taken last year.

I’m so hot that humans have a crush on me.