This has perplexed me since I was a little kid and now as an adult, using logic and reason, I cannot figure it out.
Why are there lights on timers in the bathrooms of hotels?
Someone told me this was a sun tanning light. I personally don’t want to tan the top of my head and shoulders while standing the bathroom and therefore have never seen any results if that is what it is.
Someone else told me it is a night light. But what would be the point of it being a night light if it shuts off twenty minutes later and you get up two hours later and trip over everything to get to the toilet?
Is it to help with the steam or something?
What am I missing?
Has anyone else ever wondered this or am I el solo brain cell on this one?
It is an infrared light (basically a heater). It is on a timer so that it isn’t left on accidentally for more than 20 minutes because leaving it on would result in a big waste of electricity.
i always thought it was a heat light, for when you get out of the shower and are all cold and dripping. flip the switch and dry yourself off in the toasty warm. it has to be on a timer because if someone forgot to turn it off, it would overheat and burn down the bathroom.
this is just a guess, though. i think you guys call it a “WAG” - i am guessing a wag is an acronym for ‘Random Ass Guess,’ with random spelled with a silent w. or pronounced by a person with a speech impediment. ‘wandom ass guess.’ but anyway - just a guess based on what i use the little timer light for.