Two Questions About Hotel Bathrooms

Two things I’ve noticed about hotel bathrooms: 1) the ceilings tend to be lower than the ceilings of the main room(s) and 2) they frequently have the light switch outside the bathroom door.

Why are these so? And why specifically in hotels versus ordinary homes?

I think the light switch outside the bathroom is to minimise the risk of getting an electric shock if trying to operate the switch whilst in the bath/shower.

I’d assume the lower ceiling is to allow ventilation shafts/piping/etc without spoiling the look of the room.

But these considerations also apply to ordinary homes.

Don’t forget: 3) the showerheads tend to be about 4 feet, nine inches above the tub floor, ensuring that my hair stays dry and my sternum gets lots of attention.

And in many locations, ordinary homes which are built after a certain date have the light switch outside the bathroom, and those where the bathroom doesn’t have a window and is, again, built after a certain date, have lower ceilings in the bathroom.

Hotels often are renovated to code more frequently than houses, and have more stringent codes. They are also more likely to have windowless bathrooms than houses of the same age.

Hmm… I’m not sure about the ceiling, but my bathroom (in my apartment) has the light switch outside the door, out in the hall. I never thought about it in terms of a water and electric shock thing before.

In the UK it has been illegal for many years to have any switch except the pull-cord type, or any power outlet in a bathroom. Electric showers have cord switches too.

The UK has electric showers? :eek:

I assume that is talking about an electric water heater located near the shower. A lot of places in Europe, of you want a hot shower you have to switch on the heater 20 minutes ahead of time to let it heat up some water.

In my current apartment and my previous apartment the bathroom ceilings are lower than the rest. I don’t recall whether it was the case for ones before my previous apartment.

Not necessarily. All the flats I’ve lived in in London have had instant electric showers, which aren’t linked to the main hot water storage tank that’s heated by gas. I’m not sure what the reasoning for this is (the hot water tap in the sink and the bathtub are both filled from the boiler) but there are clearly a lot of houses that heat up water for showers on demand. No one from the UK who has ever stayed with me has expressed any surprise at this type of shower.

And yes, there’s a hanging cord switch for the light as well as the master switch for the shower. The shower heater itself has a button that switches it on.

It’s a unit that contains a powerful water heater and a pump. It does not draw from the general hot water supply, but heats cold water pretty much instantly.

I have one in my flat. It takes about 5 seconds from pressing the “On” button to getting hot water. It looks something like this.

I’d just think about ruining my shoes if someone turns the light off while I’m in there.

This was what I had assumed as well. The lowered ceiling allows air conditioning ducts and so on to be concealed.

At 6’5", I’m tall but not freakishly tall like a basketball player. I’ve stayed in several hotels/motels (and a LOT of motor homes) where I couldn’t even stand up straight in the shower because the ceiling in there was so low. I’ve resigned myself to getting down on my knees to shampoo my hair in many hotels.

Every time I have to use one of those I wonder when I’m going to get electrocuted.

I travelled by ferry between Finland and Sweden the other day and noticed that there was a sign by the outlet for electrical razors warning me in Swedish, Finnish and English not to use it while taking a shower.

Well, it’s probably wise not to use an electric razor plugged into a 110/220v outlet while standing in a running shower, yes.

I presume the shower units have some serious insulation. I mean, they’re commonplace in the UK and we aren’t being electrocuted in our thousands.

Do you go to the kitchen to use your electric razor? How do women dry their hair?

I find it hard to believe it’s illegal to have power outlets in bathrooms.

You can have a shaver outlet as it has an isolating transformer built in.

Women go to their bedrooms to dry their hair, I suppose.

Is that just in England, or all of Great Britain?