House 5/12

Heh. I kept thinking it would be Death personified or something.

Yeah, I overthink things sometimes.

It’s just a feeling, but I feel they aren’t going to go there. I suspect we’ll see House fantasizing about it or imagining it, but it will turn out in the end that they didn’t really do it. And if they did, and Wilson forgives him, I don’t know if I can keep watching the show anymore. A person that completely without a spine should not be able to manage standing upright.

If that’s so, then the someone else would have to be Wilson. If Amber saw some potentially fatal symptom, she might want to run it by House first.

But would CTB catch something that House has missed? Not likely. Although it would explain why House was getting drunk in the middle of the day.


FWIW - Throughout this whole episode, I kept flashing back to the MASH episode where Hawkeye was in a bus and everyone had to keep very very quiet or else the N. Koreans would attack. The framing device was that Hawkeye was being taken through his suppressed memory of the event by the psychiatrist. Hawkeye had a memory of a woman smothering a chicken, but it turned out he saw the woman smother her own baby to keep it quiet (cue the tears).

More and more I get the Hawkeye/House smartass doctor archtype.

Sorry, I can’t help it, once you’ve been around long enough everything starts to repeat.

I’m confused about the time line as well. We see House at home with the nurse on one night. We see him in Cuddy’s custody a second night. Don’t Wilson an Amber live together? Wouldn’t he have noticed her missing and not calling for at least two days?

I think it’s the same night. Cuddy dismissed Nurse Rached because she couldn’t control house. This is all happening the same evening. That’s why Wilson wasn’t too worried about Amber. It’s one night, things are hectic and he leaves a message, but doesn’t think much about it when he doesn’t get a call back. Cuddy sends house home with his prison guard. He keeps wiping (or calling) and finally they bring him back. He does his thing, then Cuddy goes home with him to make him rest. He starts to sleep but sees the mystery woman, this time with a red scarf. He wakes Cuddy up, they go back and re-enact the bus scene, with the folks wearing placards. He takes the meds and then realizes it’s Amber, as his heart is stopping.


That was the same night. That wasn’t a nurse, she was a figment of his imagination, she called herself “the answer” (which she was, personified). He saw Cuddy later that same night, but in real life.
I think Wilson said Amber was on call, and if they’re both working different shifts, they could miss each other. Neither of them seem like homebodies, and Amber didn’t mind going to a bar in the middle of the day. She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would feel she had to account for all of her time to Wilson.
I don’t know if House and Amber would have an affair, I don’t think their morals would stop them, but it would make the show seem too much like a soap opera.

            Did anybody catch where the bus was going?

I think it was just a city bus making the usual route.

I think if House was boinking Amber then the video of him on his bike would have shown her on the bike too? I know it was taken earlier in the day but if they were hanging out she would have likely went for a ride with him.
She was on the bus because she didn’t have her car with her to give House a ride home so she * should* have been on his bike with him if they were hanging out.
That leads me to believe she met House for other reasons then romantic ones.

I think we’re talking about two different characters. You’re talking about the babe with the amber necklace. I’m talking about the nurse who was assigned to House. The one who was trying to get him out of the bathroom.

Okay, all the events seen may have been supposed to have happened in one day, but, damn, House sure gets a lot done. Just getting those placards of the bus passengers composed and printed out and laminated and strung and then getting everybody to an unused city bus somewhere would take me at least half a day. But then I’m no House.

I’m pretty sure the manifest just said “Crosstown Princeton” or something like that. I looked because I thought the whole thing might be a hallucination (Princeton’s not that urban, nor is anything near it).

I think House’s dazed presence in the strip club might obliquely argue for sexual frustration, not conquest.

Either that or Amber is a part-time stripper.

Why can’t it be that Amber is going to have such a severe leg injury that she pushes Wilson away - a la House?

Sorry, prolly not :slight_smile:

Just so you know you are not alone, my wife made the same connection.

Well, Amber has, um, special access to parts of Wilson’s body that House presumably doesn’t.

Do you guys think Lisa Edelstein used a body double in that scene? They cut it like she did for a few shots.

Yes, I believe so.

Reading this interview, it doesn’t sound like she did.

Reading her comments in that interview, I’m pleased to see they’re filming the new season already and getting some episodes in the can against the possibility of an actors’ strike.

Sorry about bumping the old thread, but I just wanted to share that I lol’d when House delivered his “I used to drive home drunk, but some mothers got maddded.”

Anyone else chuckle, or was I the only one?