So the cane and the vicodin are fully back in the picture…along with the strongest episode yet this season. Not only didn’t I guess the ailment, at the end of it all I still wasn’t 100% sure what they were talking about.
I do wish they could make an episode where everyone could have a major part (Vs. the Cuddy/Wilson angle or the Chase/Foreman/Cameron angle that we’re stuck with lately) but this was pretty good tonight. I don’t feel to great about the 17 year old sex angle that seems to be coming up, but we’ll see what they can do.
Pretty disappointed with tonite’s episode. Seemed to drag, and I too didn’t care much about the pt. Cameron is such a goody two shoes and tattle tale, she is getting worse. Cutty was pretty cool this week, “we won’t get sued for keeping a patient alive.”
So is Cutty pregnant or not? House has a pretty good record for reading physical cues.
But an even better record for being a jerk, and his needlng of Cuddy seemed like jerkiness to me.
As for Cameron, she was so annoying throughout most of this episode she overshadowed House as the department asshole. As he pointed out, she was utterly inconsistent; she was against him saving OR killing the patient; and she didn’t even acknowledge his atypically responsible act in tossing out his subordinates before pulling his stunt. He should have fired her when she flat-out refused to do anything, one way or the other, for the patient.
I don’t know… there was a lot to like and dislike about this episode… clearly they are starting to think in multi-episode setups, and I’m not quite sure how I think about that… I really don’t want to have recap episodes and soap opera stunts.
Wilson: You just do it so that you can keep your 1 patient a week.
And as I’ve always felt, Chase is the only one with the real backbone to stand up to his moral dictates. Of course, the accent and being gorgeous don’t hurt, but I knew he wouldn’t leave when House told them all to clear out. He’s flawed, but awesome.
There was a great line or two… I liked Cameron’s “Jello shots and wild sex” bit. Plus a couple of reactions were priceless.
Overall, I liked this episode very much and thought that House’s character was more consistent than it’s been recently. Oh, I liked the patient too, although he could be a bit whiny. However, seein’ as how he’s Joel Grey and all, I’ll cut him a bit of slack (and he really is that old!!).
I thought part of the point of the whole story was to show that Cameron’s simplistic moralizing was in conflict with reality, and it paralyzed her. It put her in a no-win situation, and her reaction was to become paralyzed and unable to function. The whole story arc was the character development of Cameron - she learned that even when there are no good options, you still have to stand up and do the hard thing. Her textbook morality left her completely unprepared for a situation like this, so she had to learn to make her own judgement and act on it. In the end she did, and won the approval of both House and the dying patient.
No, no. I hear you, and as a matter of fact…um, perhaps we should both be going.
I also thought that the old man had given himself something to bring about his illness, perhaps as a reason to work harder on his tests. I thought it for sure when Cameron was putting him into the MRI and he said “You’ll never figure it out”.
Excellent episode. I agree with **Sam Stone ** about the Cameron angle.
I think the upcoming plot of House and the 17 year old should be interesting. Disturbing but interesting. Seriously, whether many men want to admit it or not, when confronted with a technically underage yet emotionally and physically mature woman, the moral compass can really start spinning like a Whirling Dervish. I can’t wait to see how the writers handle this.
USA Network is a week behind on rerunning episodes, so this week’s should be on next Friday night at 11pm (if they’re running true to form–last Friday was the first ep of the season, so I’m assuming that this Friday will be the one from last week.)
No, please head somewhere… we don’t need to see that. :eek:
I loved this episode. Sam Stone nailed it - it was all about Cameron and how she’s always looking down on everyone for what they do or believe, and thinks she’s always morally superior, as long as she’s never forced to act on her beliefs. Hell, here she didn’t even know what she believed, which I think is very realistic in such a situation.