We have a nice house nestled in the middle of five acres of heavy woods. It’s such a nice house that lots of mice have decided to make it their home. It’s been like this pretty much since we moved in about five or six years ago. The only signs we have are the frequent scurrying we hear in the walls, the rare sightings of them as the flit from one basement rafter to the next, finding droppings inside some insulation, and OMG THE HALF-EATEN CORPSES THAT OUR CATS LEAVE LYING AROUND!:eek:
We have three cats, two adopted at kittenhood so they do little more than bat the mice around and play. We had lots of luck distracting them and scooping the live mice outside until Flo’Lrr came. He showed up one day, lived in our yard for six months or so (subsisting on chipmunks, moles, horses, etc.) before a winter moved in and we gave him a home. He’s the one that decimated our W/L percentage; he’s well fed but boy he loves those mousy treats!
Aside from corpses (and the possible influx of bartonella or other illnesses to the house), we lost a phone jack in one room. The tech who was out suggested it was likely mice chewing through a line (fortunately we don’t need a phone there).
Oh, did I mention droppings? Blech.
So now what? We’re namby-pamby city folk who don’t have it in them to set kill-o-matic traps (mice are cute, especially when compared to NYC rats). When we do catch and release, it’s about 100’ or so outside, across the driveway, and into the woods a bit. Are the mouse laughing their laughs and finding their way right back in?
Other than one-off methods, are their whole-house things we can do? Say, jack up the internal pressure inside the walls and comically shoot the mice out exterior cracks?
If we call an exterminator, will he just set out traps (an interesting proposition with three cats and a toddler) or do professionals have access to some sort of mouse-a-way gadgetry?
And the futile bit—we’re in the* woods*. If we get rid of one cohort, won’t another one just move right in a week later? Or is it possible to have a mouse-less house in the woods?
What do country folk* do*?