Approx 2.5 million sweat glands in your skin secrete about 2 cups of sweat daily.
You lose between 30 - 40,000 dead skin cells a minute.
I could go into more detail but I don’t want to gross you out. Suffice it to say that it’s a good idea to wash your bedding, and hang a clean hand towel, facecloth, and bath towel daily.
Ziplock bags will keep your favorite books free from mold, mildew, dust mites, and other greeblies. Store books you don’t read often in Rubbermaid containers - covered with a decorative cloth they can double as end tables, bedside tables, etc. Put a cup of dried rice inside a sock intoeach container - it’s an effective desiccant.
Can’t help you on the curtain question - I hate curtains. We use vinyl blinds which we raise totally during the day and pull down at night for privacy. They’re easily wiped clean with a 5% beach solution once a month. We use a 5% bleach solution to clean most things in our house from countertops to floors. How often you’ll need to clean floors and walls will depend on your living habits. Countertops are cleaned every time we use them - several times daily. This is an incredibly inexpensive and effective way to clean.
If you live in an area where the air quality is poor - urban areas, downwind from farms that use pesticides and so on, it’s a good idea to invest in a good quality air purifier. Personally, I’d choose Oreck XL Pro models - they use them on submarines. They take care of mold, mildew, smoke, dust, pollen, and just about everything unhealthy you wouldn’t elect to breathe in if you were given a choice. They’re great if you hate dusting as you’ll be hard pressed to find dust on surfaces even after two weeks. That should help with your books too. We live in a pristine environment in the mountains and so don’t use an air purifier at present - we just keep the windows open, even in winter.
Synthetic or even non-synthetic wall-to-wall carpeting is a major health hazard. I wouldn’t use it. Cotton or woolen area rugs that you can beat the dust out of and bleach in the sun are okay if you feel you must have carpeting.
Stainless steel sinks are porous, dangerous, and should be cleaned daily with a bleach solution. Your toilet needs to be cleaned daily and don’t forget the mechanisms in the tank. Borax and citric acid will keep them clean, as will a 5% bleach solution.
I don’t clean my house personally anymore but I did for years. Due to time constraints and other interests, I now have someone else do it - to my specifications.
All the best with your clean-up efforts. Let us know how you do?
Shalom Aleichem - Jesse.