Houston Dopers... Again?!!?

Ok. It’s been over a month and I am having Dopefest withdrawls. Anyone else think this is a good idea? I am so in, and perhaps we can talk some of the Austin, San Antonio and DFW Dopers into coming down.

I could do this in a couple of weeks. It takes that long to plan one of these things anyway.

I did Dallas last weekend. ( I knew I should have given my Thank You Dallas Dopes thread the title Debbie does Dallas and Dallas liked it ! ) The Dallas Dopes are a blast. I totally enjoyed myself, and would love to meet more of our fellow Texas Dopers. I might even do thingys for everyone again.

And you know how we like your thingies Ayesha. :slight_smile:

There’s a good chance I could make one.

There’s also a good chance that I might be in serious crunch-time, and will be spending all available time in the office. Ya never know.

The weekend before and after Spring Break is not good for me (trip to Austin and I and my wife’s anniversery respectivly.

Perhaps the Saturday March 24th?

March 24th is, at this point in time, workable for me.

Ale House? Something central? Will we ever meet starfish?

March 24th seems to be a good tenative date.

I kinda liked Baker Street. Good food and a nice place… Any other ideas?

The List so Farsub[/sub]

I don’t know, last time you almost killed Purplebear. :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, How are you doing Purplebear sweetie?

I am tentativaly in.

It always depends on work for me.

The List so Far™

I promise not to kill PB this time. :smiley:

Last I heard she was doing very well, although we missed her at AustinDope. Daughterbear was there though and we tried not to corrupt her anymore than she already was…

I think we failed. :smiley:

Wait a minute there Revedge, you were at that gathering too ! If we are lucky enough to see the lovely PB again we will just have to make sure she drinks lots of water.

And rob please add 1 (one) LIONsob to the list. ( I hope there is only one ! ::shudder:: )

I played eight (8) games of darts at the Ale House last Tuesday. I was a crazy beer zone after 3 Hefe-Weizens and I was tossing them 20s like they were discontinuing the model.

Anyway, I thought I’d share. Sorry for my truancy at the last HouDope. I got really busy at work, which can unfortunately happen relatively quickly. I can, at this point, make March 24th, but having commitments on the previous two weekends increases the probability that I will have to work that weekend.

I’ll check in. I promise.

The List so Far™

Glad you are gonna make it to this one Ed. Look forward to meeting the guy I work walking distance from. :slight_smile:

How about doing the DopeFest Saturday, April 14th? MsRobyn will be in Houston that weekend and we are hoping to get Nym as well. :slight_smile:

Well, the 24th is probably do-able, the 14th is probably more do-able. Either way, I will whine and plead my best to get a sitter…
…oh yeah, I vote for the Ale House again. This time I wanna play darts!

It looks like The Ale House is strong in the running (dissent?). So the 24th of March or the 14th of April remain the questions (P.S. I have noted a few other HouDopes of late).

Both work for me. I just have to meet MsRobyn ! We could do a two fer.

Other HouDopes ** what you talkin’ 'bout beatle ? **

The List so Farsub [/sub]

So we are looking at March 24 or April 14 at the Ale House or Baker Street Pub.

I am more inclined to do it in April since MsRobyn will be here, and that gives us more time to get the other Austin, San Antonio, and DFW dopers in here.

As for the location, I am up for either one. I love the Ale House and Baker Street Pub had excellent food.

I’ll be there with bells on :slight_smile:


I’m declaring as pretty tentative on this, because:

  1. My name has just been declared anathema in the Pit and I’m feeling kind of icky
  2. I’m not a social person and don’t know how to behave in public, and will probably make a fool of myself just on general principles
  3. Howdy OpalCat Ma’am
  4. #2 again. And I trust the location is Metro-accessible 'cause I haven’t had a driver’s license since 1984, the year Big Brother started checking for safety belts.
  5. Anyway thought I’d check in, let you know I’m around.

:-Doug B. (alonicist)

I’d like to make it to this one! I’ll let you know as the time and place firm up.