How Active Must I Be?

And while I don’t want to be accuse of junior modding, you could have sent a message to whoever closed your thread and asked them to reopen it, saying the same thing you said here.

…you have the right to remain silent. Anything you have previously written may be used against you in the court of public opinion.

Try not to create threads when you’re sleeping. :wink:

Would Mort Sahl walk on stage, hold up a newspaper and wait for the audience to comment on the headline? I’m guessing not!

I’m afraid all too many of our posters do that.:slight_smile:

You could have told me that. As I’ve mentioned before when the subject has come up I tend to look at posts that are just a link and no original content as being not worth my effort to click on or comment on. I know they happen but they strike me as not much better than how you feel about people who live and die by their smart-phones. If the Mods would decide to make it a hard and fast rule to just kill every last one I wouldn’t object; I hope they don’t (I think their judgement has a pretty good track record) but it wouldn’t bother me to see it added to the rules-carved-in-stone.

Now as far as your question here: I will often not respond (especially if I think the view/response will garner opponents) to a thread or create a new thread if I know I am going to be away from the Dope for a day or more. What I consider important to me here is the discussion so why start something I know I won’t be able to follow up on? Its a personal choice for me but that is just the way it is. I will sometimes sit on a response or topic for say the weekend and then post it Monday once I am back home.

It you can shoot threads that wear your pajamas.

Calm down. Post as you want. But it is good form to say what you want to say in your OP. Also to engage with posters in your thread.

The Moderator made a clear statement as to why he closed your thread. Somehow, you managed to entirely miss the point. Perhaps reading his statement again would help clarify the issue in your mind.

I unsubscribed from this post, but saw it on top and will reply, because its sincere.

My days aren’t planned… Another reason I might wait a bit before replying more is because I don’t want to influence or load the sample size.

It’s not the replying part that caused your thread to be closed. It was starting a thread with a bare link and no commentary. On SDMB we expect you to let your opinion be known when starting a thread; don’t worry about what influence you will have on people who respond.

You get that now, right? Because this response seems to hint that you still think it’s about not responding right away.

Now this we should address.

I’ve certainly allowed - as a moderator - when someone posts something and includes a note saying something like:

“I’ve got some opinions on this but I want to withhold them for a bit to allow others to chime in so I don’t push the discussion in any particular direction.”

However, people can’t read your mind nor your intent. You need to give them some reason to comment on your linkdrop or you’re just wasting everyone’s time.

Honestly when I see a thread where the OP is just a link it always looks like spam to me. Like, “I don’t want to discuss this I just want people to read it.” I don’t come to this board as an aggregate for links to “items of note” (like some dark mirror of The Drudge Report), I’m looking to read and/or participate in discussions.

MortSahlFan, I get it, but please take into account that many of us here see a link without a something to explain it (and the poster’s opinion) and immediately think clickbait or troll, and go no further.