How big is the Solar System?

Does it end at the Kuiper Belt? The Oort Cloud? The Heliopause? Is there a “commonly accepted” definition?

I think the generally accepted limit is the heliopause. The opperative word being solar. The end of the sun’s infuence is a good measure of where its system ends.


The heliopause is the end of the sun’s radiant influence, perhaps, but the Oort cloud is gravitationally influenced by the sun.

So…does that mean a conflicting view on where the Solar System ends? Or is that just a clarification of which “influence” we’re talking about? And now that it’s been brought up – does the Oort Cloud lie at the outer reaches of the Sun’s gravitational influence? Or does that gravity extend out farther?

Well, technically, the sun’s gravitational influence extends out forever. All particles in the universe interact gravitationally with all other particles.

The sphere of influence of a body is roughly defined as the region in which the effect it has on other, smaller bodies is the predominant force. A body in orbit around Alpha Centauri is gravitationally influenced by our sun, but the effect is negligible when compared to the nearer star.

Here’s a good recent news article on the subject. It’s of importance right bow because Voyager 1 is now at the Heliopause.

Voyager Leaves the Solar System

Due credit must be given to Mr. Python