How 'bout a rousing round of Name That Tune by Storyline?

This is a gimme for deadheads…

I thought he was referring to Captain Jack (Batty?!?)

This brown-eyed man is gonna take a shot at "Brown-Eyed Women & Red Grenadine

actual name: “Brown-Eyed Woman”

JohnBckWLD -

you’re up!

Strange doin’s up at Greasy Lake…

happyheathen…you are CORRECT!

The “Strange doin’s up at Greasy Lake” are from Spirit in the Night.

Let me add one more:

In order to end their plight, poor starving people are called upon to revolt against their secure rich overlords.

I’m up?
Alright, it’ll be obscure, but specific and google-proof.

A pseudo hunter of Moby Dick reaches the new world on a famous pilgrim vessel. The whole crew gets arrested, for carrying illegal weapons. Our main character breaks out of jail, to post bond and free his shipmates. His journey takes to depressed urban areas, a French Bistro, a finacial institution & a Parisian theifs apatment. Along the way he encounters a talking bovine, a transexual waiter, A Brit, a property rights proponent and an overzealous coffin salesman. Unable to post bond, our frustrated sailor returns to his ship, now sited with a violation summons. Upon sailing home he tells to a coastal patrol he works for the Vatican & Comes across the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria. It’s safe to assume the crew and officers were eventually freed from jail. His beloved captain was rumored to return to sea…where his fate mirrored that of a famous Melville character.

“Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream”

The narrator’s brother is executed for killing his wife’s lover after being railroaded through a Southern state’s justice system. The narrator eventually reveals that she killed the lover… and the missing wife.

OOOh I got one

A girl lives in seclusion in her room and has a strange affinity fro listening to the radio. One night a nogoodnik neighbor guy comes in and tries to seduce her. She turns the radio up, then turns it down and at the same time shrinks the guy, and he lives in her radio as her secret lover.

Honey, that’s The Night That The Lights Went Out in Georgia!

That’s the night that they hung an innocent man. Vicki Lawrence.

Why do I know that???

OK, here’s one:

A frustrated man buys a shotgun and kills a church full of people. He is then pursued by a posse of lawmen, who were concerned with protecting their womenfolk. They eventually caught and killed the offender, without even alerting the local news.

Is it “Angie Baby,” by Helen Reddy?

Going to have to give me time to think of a good one to contribute, though.

Smackwater Jack, by Carole King


I hereby claim exclusive right to post any and all songs in this thread, to ‘Life is a Rock…’ :smiley:

A man arranges a meeting with a woman, only to find he’s got bad directions.

Umm… Misunderstanding by Phil Collins?

Umm… Misunderstanding by Phil Collins?

the eternal triangle, involving an unnamed ‘other man’, the girl, a knife, and an impending execution date…

Wow, I knew absolutely none of these.

A guy and his male relative witness the local sheriff and deputy disposing two bodies into a pond and decide to not tell anyone about it.


A man describes to his lover the experience of his accident, the efforts to save him, and his eventual death.

Betraying my age and horrible taste in music - “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Warrant?

They met on a mountain…

Going for obscure…

A soldier fighting in Vietnam gets pinned down in a firefight and is saved by a big Marine. They get out of there and when the soldier gets back to his camp he finds that the Marine had been killed in action the day before.