How can I determine the publishing history of a book?

Specifically, Washington Irving’s Life of Washington… but a site that could apply to other books would be most appreciated.

I saw a three volume set the other day but after getting home and looking on eBay it appears that the original was a four or five volume set.

You can look in – it’s the combined catalogue of many thousands of libraries, and it’s fairly easy to get to a list of editions of your book.

Thanks but this site lists 43 editions and it appears that volumes of the same edition are listed separately.

Perhaps this work is a bad example since I think that the separate volumes were issued annually.

I’ll definately bookmark this for the future but does anyone else have another site?

Google is your friend.
The best bibliographies of a series are always by the ‘fans’ (or dealers) of the series.
Google is the best way to find them. There’s no single good reference for this.
Another option is to go to ABEBOOKS, where book descriptions are sometimes quite elaborate, and find a high-line book dealer, the kind who publishes a paper catalog, who is listing what you’re looking for. They often give enough information that you get an idea of exactly what should be in the set.
Amazon kinda’ works for that too, but more amateurs list on Amazon.