How can I not have a paper clip?

I have an extra Bolex H16 camera that I’m getting ready to sell on eBay. It has a spring motor, and the new Tobin crystal motors don’t fit. But I do have a Bolex variable-speed motor with a speed control! And it won’t fit. Yeah, the camera is an older model with the recessed shaft. The coupling/drive shaft on the motor doesn’t go into the hole because of the structure of the motor housing. So…

I’ve just spent the last hour and a half making a 2½"-long bolt into a ½"-long coupling. I used my little Craftsman grinder/sander to reduce the diameter of the bolt so that it would fit inside of the motor coupling/drive shaft. (The O.D. is the same as the O.D. of the drive shaft.) Then I tried to drill a hole through it so that I could install a pin that would engage the drive shaft. Oops. Can’t get the drill to stay put. Start again. I cut off the reduced-diameter bit I just made. This time I drilled the hole first, then reduced the diameter of the bolt. I cut the bolt to the approximate length with my Dremel tool. Then I drilled a hole (lengthwise) into the fat end so that it would fit over the drive shaft in the camera. Next, I cut slots with the Dremel tool to engage the pin on the camera’s shaft. So far so good. After a little fitting, I put the motor onto the camera with my newly-made coupling between the motor shaft and the camera shaft. The motor whirred, but the camera didn’t run.

:smack: You know that first hole I drilled, the one for the pin? I forgot to put in a pin. Okay, I’ll just find a large paper clip and cut it to size. That’ll do 'er.

Amazingly, I could not find a single paper clip in the house! How can I not have a paper clip? Everybody has a paper clip! Oh, well. I’ll just go to the hardware store tomorrow and see if I can get a roll pin of the correct size.

I used this camera with this motor a couple of years ago (worked great!), but I lost the original part I’d made. I’ve also misplaced the fiberglass plate that holds the speed control to the camera. I guess I’ll just have to get another piece of fiberglass and another cutting wheel.