Is it possible?
Can sperm taste be based on what you eat or drink? If so, what are “good” foods that make it taste better? What foods should be avoided?
And if not, does anything contribute at all to it’s taste?
Is it possible?
Can sperm taste be based on what you eat or drink? If so, what are “good” foods that make it taste better? What foods should be avoided?
And if not, does anything contribute at all to it’s taste?
This question comes up here from time to time. I seem to recall that celery was mentioned.
I have been complemented on the pineapple in my diet.
I have been told that vegetarian spunk has a distinct edge. (By a meat-eatin’ girl, so no bias.)
Give THIS a try.
Love never tasted so good?
One of the basic premesis is that semen is (from what I have heard) is an alkali, so things you can do to bring itmore towards neutral is better, therefore acidic things like OJ, pineapple, etc…
(Interestingly enough, they say the opposite is true of women. That a vagina is naturalyl acidic and they should eat more alkalis to balance the taste. I can safely say that at least one of the women I have been with definetly had an acidic tasting area. Not so much that it was off-putting, but enough that it was noticable.)
I have been told (and confirmed through field studies) that both cinnamon and vanilla have positive effects.
Now I understand her nickname: EverReady. And to think, all this time I thought…
Doesn’t that part go without saying?
Try this site, referred to in the OP of this thread.
This is one case where I think there’s no point in using the gender-neutral “their”.
Stop smoking.
What kind of alkali foods are there? I mean, lutefisk, but what else fits in here?
Pan-fry it?
For you or for the fish?
Add sugar.
Hey, as we’ve been all high and mighty in recent weeks over not sloppily calling the female genitals “vagina”, let’s clear up the distinction between sperm and semen, shall we?
My take: It’s an acquired taste. Observation persuades me that most Americans wouldn’t touch liver or kidneys, but both are delectable, and it’s more in the eye of the beholder (well, yanno what I mean) than in any attempts to improve the flavour.
I’ve been informed that garlic and chili can leave an, um, aftertaste :o
A friend of mine swears that his wife tastes MUCH better 30min after eating an avocado. (I think it was 30min. Mighta been 60min)
:eek: A little warning next time regarding sites that aren’t work safe.