How can someone tell a cat's age?

That’s OK as it will probably prolong kitty’s life. You can get a Cat-O-Matic feeder that opens to allow small portions during the day. A friend’s cat would sit in the kitchen whapping it with a paw-OPEN, dammit! :stuck_out_tongue:

Am I correct in thinking that a kitten begins to get adult teeth at about 4-6 months? This kitten we took in has gotten BIG. I guesstimate his age at about 5 months, but his paws are the size of an adult cat’s and he’s the size of a small adult female already. He still has “kittenish” features and behavior, but his paws and ears keep growing. He’s not showing any sign of catching up to them yet. He was tiny and skeletal when he came to us, he’s gotten much better. (You could count all his ribs, and vertebrae, and all his pelvis bones too.) His eyes have completely changed, they are gold with a green ring around the pupil. I suspect he has some Maine Coon in him due to his size. He also doesn’t say meow, he “wooos”. I gueessed he was about three months old when the neighbor brought him to us, asking if we wanted him. (His eyes were changing, but not done yet.) That was about a month ago. He’s been teething about 2 weeks now.

Zabali, that’s about when our kittens started teething. The second-best teething toy I found was two straws knotted together. Fun to bat around, easy to pick up.

(The best teething toy was a whole strip of condoms in foil wrappers. Hundreds of holes on the whole strip. :open_mouth: )

ENugent :eek: Heh, hope it didn’t ruin your evening when you found their most recent teething toy. :wink: We’ve got a rawhide “rod” (sized for a young puppy) for him to chew on when the mood takes him. It’s not the most healthy thing, but far better then electrical cords, or human fingers!
